- I don 's feel well this morning. I've got a stomach-ache. 今天早晨我不舒服,我胃疼。
- He is toying with the girl’s feelings. 他在玩弄那个女孩的感情。
- She hesitated to hurt the child 's feeling. 她不愿伤害孩子的感情。
- Emilia\'s feelings are the least of his concerns. 伊米莉亚的感觉是他最无暇关注的。
- Mr. Herwell is apprehensive about hurting other people 's feelings. 赫尔威先生害怕伤害别人的感情。
- I didn' t realize the intensity of people' s feelings on this issue. 我没有意识到这一问题能引起群情激奋.
- The article discusses the modusoperandi of the department budget organizing and tells about the author s feelings. 文章探讨了部门预算编制工作中的做法和体会,以及部门预算编制中存在的问题,并提出了执行部门预算的几点建议。
- My MIL chose not to and her daughters also treated her well. Whichever way, 八月 's feeling is so sincere. 见解,有时候我就这么说服自己,称呼不是那么重要,重要的是心里的感受和真实的感情。
- The image projects that hurt the people\'s feelings should be resolutely rectified. 例句一切伤害人民感情的面子工程必须坚决制止。
- Morrie’s feelings and views of various topics of life, from the beginning of his disease till his death. 小说作者在叙述的同时,将这五种关系相互穿插和融合。
- Moreover lives in the mental hospital hank not to be willing to make the marrow chemical examination, has hurt Bessey"s feelings. 而且住过精神病院的汉克不愿做骨髓化验,伤了贝西的心。
- The supervisee’s feelings often underwent some kind of transition during an event.Seven categories of global impact of events were concluded. (2)受督导者在事件历程中所知觉的冲击多属正向,或在事件中经历感受转换之过程,而受督导者知觉到重要事件之立即影响,经归纳得到七类。
- BNo, not me. It‘s my colleague, Mr. Smith. He‘s in room 1612. He‘s feeling unwell and I think he needs to see a doctor. 不,不是我。是我的同事,史密斯先生。他住1612号房。他感觉不舒服,我想他需要看医生。
- The hatter shook his head mournfully. 帽匠悲哀地摇摇头。
- Symbolism is one of the profound techniques Forster uses in A Passage to India to connect Indian climate, the atmosphere and people"s feelings together. 福斯特在这部小说中出色地运用了象征主义技巧,把印度的天然气候、故事中的气氛和人物的情绪自然地结合在一起。
- She walked out of the room, as mad as a hatter. 她疯疯癲癲地离开房间。
- By introducing dramatic techniques into non-dramatic poetry, he conveys the speaker"s feeling more vividly and increases the dramatic effect of his love poems. 戏剧化手法在非戏剧化诗歌中的运用,使得他诗中说话者强烈的感情得以更加生动具体地体现,并增强了他爱情诗的戏剧化效果。
- He has become as mad as a hatter. 他变得古怪起来了。
- She walked out of the room,as mad as a hatter. 她疯疯癲癲地离开房间。
- The first witness was the Hatter. 第一个证人就是那位帽匠。