- Do island nations have advantage over other countries? 岛国比其它国家有优势吗?
- Exchange of information with data messages has advantage over voice communication. 交换资料时,使用数据信息较话音传达优胜。
- The results show that the WM and the RWM have advantage over the NEM and the DNEM. 结果表明:韦布尔模型与韦布尔修正模型的拟合结果明显优于负指数模型与移位负指数模型;
- The results show that the N2-CH4 expander cycle has advantage over the mixed-refrlgerant cycle on the premise of no propane pre-cooling. 结果表明:在没有丙烷预冷的前提下,采用N2-CH4膨胀机液化流程优于混合制冷剂液化流程;
- Hydroxyapatite method has advantage over the methods such as actived alumina, bone char and electrodialysis commonly used in defluorination of drinking water.It is for this re... 羟基磷灰石的降氟方法优于目前较普及的活性氧化铝、骨碳和电渗析除氟法。
- The silicon rubber inflatable bag has advantages over other molds. 与其他模具相比,硅橡胶模具具有很多优点。
- There are always conflicts between conservativeness and innovation and when the society is too tolerable, innovation then can easily have advantage over conservativeness. 每个单词,从他嘴角蹦发而出,或许在房间最远的角落里也能听到,然而他很少扬起嗓门,使用高于聊天感觉的声调。
- Do island nations have advantages over other countries? 岛国就比其它国家有优势吗?
- Do island nations have advantages over the other countries? 岛国比其他国家更有优势吗?
- New dyna-drill does have advantages over the old one. 新代纳钻具确实比那套旧的好。
- It suggested that the mode of pressurization followed by mixture had advantage over the mode of mixture had advantage over the mode of mixture followed by pressurization. 通过实例对煤气加压混合系统选择配套方式及工艺运行效果进行比较,提出了先加压后混合方式优于先混合后加压方式的观点。
- Con clu sion CT has advantages over retrograde cystogram in diagnosing traumatic bladder rupture. 结论CT诊断创伤性膀胱破裂优于膀胱逆行造影。
- On the whole,financial holding company has advantages over strategic ally in range efficiency. 总体上,金融控股公司比战略联盟具有范围效率优势。
- The vacuum grouting technique has advantages over that of conventional grouting. 真空辅助压浆技术克服了传统压浆技术的缺点。
- Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German. 理奇比你占优势,因为他会讲德语。
- As a result,The g-hVaR method has advantages over traditional normal methods. this is a new feature in this paper. 这也是全文的一个创新点。
- A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人。
- The reaction bonding SiC ceramic whose density is 3.16 g/cm3 apparently has advantage over the one whose density is 3.07 g/cm3.The one who has less free carbon shows stronger resistance to chemical corrosion then others when they are of the same density. 密度为3.;16 g/cm3的反应烧结SiC耐化学腐蚀性能显著优于密度为3
- As a system for serving these objectives and dealing with the problem of injury, the tort system has advantages over other mechanisms. 作为为这些宗旨和应付伤害的问题而服务的法律体系,侵权行为法体系优于其他任何机制。
- The feeding method using intermeshing helical roll has advantages over that using the conventional roll in working capacity,feeding stability and unit energy cost. 实验结果表明,在生产能力、喂料稳定性和能量单耗方面,螺旋啮合辊喂料方法优于传统的旁压辊喂料方法。