- The philosophical foundation of socialistic harmonious society should be a harmonious philosophy, rather than fighting philosophy. 摘要社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础,应该是“和谐哲学”而不是“斗争哲学”。
- Marx and Engles hold that realizing mans full and free development is the practical realization and the zenith of their harmonious philosophy. 在马克思恩格斯看来,实现人的自由全面发展是其和谐哲学的最高境界和实践完成。
- Secondary "fight with philosophy" has changed to "harmonious philosophy", Communist has accomplished China being in power idea composes in reply the philosophy ultimacy change being in power. 从“斗争哲学”转向“和谐哲学”,中国共产党人完成了执政理念和执政哲学的根本性转变。
- It then demonstrates the necessity of harmonious philosophy to promote the development of harmonious education by analyzing five contradictions existing in current china education reality. 本文通过考察我国基础教育发展现实中五对矛盾关系,进一步印证了和谐教育需要和谐哲学的论断。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- Persevere in Harmony Philosophy and Build Harmonious Enterprises 坚持和谐哲学建设和谐企业
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好和我的相同。
- I cannot understand his conflicting philosophy. 我不能理解他那互相矛盾的思想体系。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford. 他任牛津大学哲学教授。
- Harmony and order as distinct from chaos. 合一与浑沌区别的协调与有序
- The state or quality of being in accord; harmony. 协调,和睦作为一致的状态或性质; 调和
- Eat, drink, and be merry -- that's his philosophy. 吃喝玩乐,那就是他的人生哲学。
- He is reading a text on Chinese philosophy. 他在读一本中国哲学的教科书。
- He is looking for a philosophy he can believe in. 他在寻求一种他可以相信的哲学。
- He is interested in Eastern philosophy. 他对东方哲学感兴趣。
- She took a course in philosophy. 她选读了一门哲学课程。
- Accept bad news with philosophy. 以豁达的态度来接受坏消息。
- This is an encyclopaedia of philosophy. 这是本哲学百科全书。