- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。
- harmony in human and nature 天人合一
- There are rich and profound thoughts on social harmony in Marx and Engels' works which cover the harmony between humans and nature, humans and humans, humans and society. 摘要马克思恩格斯的著作中蕴涵着丰富而深刻的社会和谐思想,包括人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐、人与社会的和谐。
- We believe in the harmonization between human and nature. 我们的产品遍布世界各地。
- She has a background in humanities and modern languages. 她学过人文学科和现代语言。
- Ultimately, these fluxes and yokings may reflect truth in humanity and nature more accurately than could a more fixed viewpoint. 最终,这种流动与结合的方式,比起较为固定的观点来,也许更能反映人性与自然的真相。
- In humans and monkeys, there is only one uterus. 人和猴只有一个子宫。
- The idea of modern garden design emphasizes on ?back-to-nature and serving for human? namely human and nature keep in harmony. 现代园林环境设计理念强调回归自然、以人为本,即人与自然的和谐相处。
- The article is about the discussion on the concept and feature of continuing development and so as to seek the harmony between human and nature. 本文就可持续发展的概念、特点展开论述,以期寻求人与自然的和谐发展,最终实现人类文明的全面进步。
- Art education plays an unique rule which other subject hard to attain in realizing the harmony of human and nature, human and society and among human. 艺术教育在实现人与自然、人与社会以及人与人之间的和谐方面发挥着其他学科教育难以企及的独特作用。
- In order to reach the harmony between human and nature,and sustainable development,effective control and remediation of... 为了重新达到人与自然的协调,保持可持续发展,人类必须对地下水有机污染进行有效治理。
- However, as conflicts and disputes have always been unavoidable in human society, there is no absolute harmony in any society. 然而,有人类社会就会有矛盾和纷争,因此不存在绝对的“和”,和谐社会是“和而不同”的价值观多元化的社会。
- Topic of for the prepared speech is "People and Nature: In Search of Harmony in a New Age - Your Personal Perspective. 命题讲演的题目是“人与自然:寻求一个和谐的新时代-你的个人见解。
- Harmony between human and nature, ecology emphasis and environment protection emphasis are the excellent traditions of Naxi people. 与自然和谐相处,重视生态,重视环保是纳西民族的优秀传统。
- The building takes the sea as its background and matches perfectly with the nature, embodying the harmony between architecture and environment, human and human, human and nature. 建筑形态以大海为背景,与自然完美融合,体现了建筑与环境、人与人、人与自然和谐共生的精神。
- Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen found in human and animals. 金黄色葡萄球菌是一种常见的人兽共患病的病原菌。
- A place where man and nature live in harmony. 构成了一派人与自然和谐统一的生态气象。
- Nothing could extinguish his faith in human nature. 没有什么能使他丧失对人性的信心。
- In the landscape pattern of Qinghui Garden, every tree and grass displays the earnest pursuit of Shunde's people for a nice life characterized by harmony between human and nature. 清晖园的景趣格局,一草一木,无不透露出顺德人对自然和谐的美好生活所付出的诚挚追求。
- The delicious air hovering over the zigzagging paths of the garden makes it impossible for you to light a cigarette in case it will trammel the harmony of human and nature. 园内小径婉转,空气甚是不错,甚至不忍心起火点烟,唯恐破坏了人与天然的和谐。