- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- Harden up a little, we need more speed. 把帆索拉紧一点,我们需要加快速度。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- The varnish takes a few minutes to harden. 清漆几分钟就能变硬。
- He uses lens to make things appear clearer. 他用镜片以便看东西更清楚些。
- The lens is often used to make telescopes. 镜片常被用来做成望远镜。
- Don't smear the lens; I've just polished it. 别把镜头弄脏了,我刚刚擦过。
- Don't harden your heart against him. 别对他硬心肠。
- The camera lens must be screened from direct sunlight. 照相机的镜头不可受到阳光的直射。
- So we find that hardening operation is made up of heating and quenching. 因此我们发现淬火工序包括加热和淬硬两个步骤。
- hardening lens 安全镜片
- Please harden in the main ropes, the sail's not tight enough! 请把主要的绳索拉紧些,帆扯得不够紧!
- Anneal means make harden steel soft and remove brittleness. 退火就是使淬火钢变软并消除其脆性。
- A close- up lens is ideal for taking close- up picture. 近摄镜用来拍特写照片最理想。
- In this operation the surgeons implant a new lens (in the eye). 医生在这次手术中给病人(眼球)植入了新的水晶体。
- Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement. 在水中变硬的能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥
- He often went to the gym to harden his muscles. 他过去常到健身房锻炼肌肉。
- The gunsight has an infrared lens for night vision. 射击瞄准器装有用于夜间视力的红外线镜头。