- At last,the steps in design of retaining wall in clayey soil are given. 最后还给出了粘性土挡土墙的设计步骤。
- Clayey soils are dense and poorly aerated. 粘土结构紧,不容易通气。
- Research on relationship between crop drought and soil water retention and supply characters in hilly red clayey soil. 低丘红壤作物易旱与土壤持水供水特性的关系。
- The infection mechanics which powdered fly ash affects clayey soil's plastic and liquid limits is studied in detail. 详细分析了粉煤灰对粘土的塑液限影响的机理。
- Digging that clay soil is back-breaking work. 挖那粘土是一件艰苦繁重的工作。
- Free swell is one of indexes in representing the expansibility of clayey soil and makes great valuable reference in the judgment of expansive soil. 自由膨胀率是反映黏性土的膨胀性的指标之一,对判别膨胀土有较大参考价值。
- In general, the method of compaction has a significant effect on the compacted clayey soil when the compaction is conducted on the wet side of optimum. 地质勘测包括确定施工现场地表下面的土壤和岩石成分、土壤的性质、基岩的深度以及有无断层和地下河流。
- This paper discusses the environment of sedimentation,the distribution,the characters of clayey soil and the bearing capacity for piled foundaton,and explain for instance. 此土层在上海地区分布较广,土质坚硬,常作为建(构)筑物的桩基持力层,文章从沉积环境、分布状况、土质特性及桩基承载力四个方面进行了分析探讨,并举实例说明。
- If the aim of paving the liner is turned to " filtration" , we can make full use of the purification or partition capability of the clayey soil to reduce the cost. 若把垫层铺设的指导思想改为“截污”,可充分利用对垃圾污染质具有净化或阻隔能力的场地粘性土,降低垫层铺设成本。
- When the fine content is about the same, clayey soil shows relatively high soil resistance to water flow at high suction when compared to the silty soil. 在细料含量相当时,黏土质土壤在较高吸力状态下土壤抵抗排水能力较粉土质为佳。
- LIAO Hong-jian,YU Mao-hong.Constitutive Relation of elastoviscoplasticity of clayey soil and its Application[J].Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,1998,20(2):41 -44. [8]廖红建;俞茂宏.;黏性土的弹黏塑性本构方程及其应用[J]
- If you have clay soil in your garden, you have to dig it well. 要是你的花园里有粘土的话,你得好好挖一挖。
- The land is composed of gravelly tableland and clay soil. 土壤主要由砾质台地和粘土组成。
- Alkali resistant castable refractory was produced using hard clay clinker as main raw material and adding in potash feldspar, ceramic powder etc. 以焦宝石熟料为主要原料,添加钾长石、瓷粉等外加物,制备了耐碱浇注料。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- The figure of Rankine active earth pressure in clayey soil is corrected.And the cohesion stress region in it is conformed.Various incorrect statements of cohesion on that part are put right. 更正了粘性土朗肯主动土压力分布示图,更改其间“拉应力”区的提法,提出了广义粘聚力概念。
- Clay soil retains water. 黏土能保持水分。
- The expansive soils not only have generality of clayey soils, but also have its special characteristics. 非饱和膨胀土既有一般粘性土的共性,又有其自身的特性。
- Seedlings may survive either through an early onset of the flood in the year after germination, or seedlings may survive through silty and clayey soil layers, which store water better than sand. 幼苗通过早的洪水或保持水分的粘土层可继续活,长连通地下水的根,长成大树。
- Neogene hard clay is widely distributed in the Cenozoic basins of east China, and is the main subject of regional studies of special sedimentary materials for its special properties. 上第三系硬粘土在中国东部新生代沉积盆地具有广泛的分布,因其性质复杂而成为中国区域性特殊岩土研究的重要对象。