- [door,mouth+] 开着to hang open
- 我们来举个例子看看什么样的情况下才是to put your foot in your mouth:When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth.
- NP-hardNP-hard
- NP-hard问题NP-hard problem
- 可食用的禽类的内脏。edible viscera of a fowl.
- NP-hard难题NP-- hard problem
- 步禽类walking bird
- Hard E综合征Hard E syndrome
- 禽类饲养场feeding grounds for birds
- hard money (美国)现金
- 兽类与禽类fur and feather
- hard money (硬币)硬通货
- 用禽类birds
- hard mouth (禽类)硬嘴
- 禽类面包bread for bird
- hard wax(嫁接用)硬蜡
- 禽类卵泡avian follicular cell
- hard bread (救生艇用)压缩饼干
- 禽类香肠poultry sausage
- hard-paste (旧用名词)硬质瓷