- Some problems presented hard choices. 某些问题很难有选择的余地。
- It will require hard choices by companies. 这将需要艰难的选择的公司。
- A miracle worker is a mechanism for avoiding hard choices. 能够创造奇迹的人就是能够设法避免作出棘手的选择的人。
- If the president cannot make the 'hard choice' about Chrysler now, how will he make it a year from now after he's gotten so enmeshed in the company and its fate? 如果总统现在不能对克莱斯勒作出艰难决定,那么一年后当他已经深陷克莱斯勒和其命运之后,他又将怎样作出这一决定?
- I realise the US is not exactly spearheading those efforts, but you'll catch up soon, I think.) Hm... kill people or don't have kids ... not a terribly hard choice, is it? (我知道美国正在这方面带了个坏头,但我想很快就会好起来。)杀人与不要孩子两者之间不难选择,是不是?
- Facing a hard choice you tend to drift with the tide, escape the cruel world by submerging into your dreams, no wonder you rarely benefit from the outcome. 面对困难选择你倾向于随波逐流, 沉浸在梦幻中来逃离残酷的世界。难怪你难得从结果中获益。
- Perhaps it should be a hard one, in a life of hard choices. 在生命中的所有抉择中,这应当是非常困难的一个。
- None of this absolves American policymakers from hard choices. 然而,美国的决策者却不能因此而推脱做出艰难决策的责任。
- Acrimonious debate in Brussels reflects hard choices at the national level. 布鲁塞尔的唇枪舌战说明,欧盟各成员国也同样面临着艰难抉择。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- A Hard Choice--On the Mental Journey of Liu Lanzhi 艰难的选择--刘兰芝心灵历程浅析
- He talks movingly about the need to make hard choices, but it is hard to think of any he has actually made. 他提出的做出艰难抉择的需要确实很感人,但是很难想象他确实是这么做了。
- But if the balmy financial weather changes, the government will face hard choices. 但是如果乐观财政情况出现变化,政府就难以抉择了。
- The economy fell victim to "greed and irresponsibility" and an avoidance of hard choices, Obama said. 他补充说到,这次经济危机表明,如果缺乏监管,市场就会失控。这表明,他将把改革金融监管作为工作的重点。
- One answer is that making hard choices openly would provoke complaints that the curriculum was being dumbed down. 对上述问题的回答之一是,公开作出削减课程的高难选择会惹起批评。
- Use "pull" not" push" to help them make hard choices and don't let your own fear of the unknown dictate what your children should or shouldn't do. 使用"拉"而不"推"的方法帮助他们做艰难的决择,不要因为担心自己不了解就决定孩子该做什么和不该做什么。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。
- Use pull not push to help them make hard choices and dont let your own fear of the unknown dictate what your children should or shouldnt do. 使用拉而不推的方法帮助他们做艰难的决择,不要因为担心自己不了解就决定孩子该做什么和不该做什么。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 这个党的核心成员决定一切。
- Indeed, the book's rather jaunty tone plays down some of the hard choices that will need to be made if the world's problems are to be tackled. 的确,这本书透出的那股自信把解决这些全球问题所要做出的艰难抉择都轻描淡写了。