- Storis keep going no matter with happy or sad. 喜悦也好,忧愁也好,故事总在进行。
- That is why we are never quite certain whether Mona Lisa is happy or sad when she looks at us. 这也是为什么我们从来就不太肯定蒙娜丽莎看着我们时到底是高兴还是忧伤。
- Colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. 颜色会改变我们的情绪,让我们感到高兴或悲伤,充满活力或昏昏欲睡。
- Only when the bell rang again, everything will come to an end, whether you are still crying, laughing, happy or sad. 只有当钟声再次响起,一切都将结束,不管你是笑着还是哭着,快乐的还是悲伤的。
- Let's share our future days either they are happy or sad!Let's enjoy sunrising and sunsetting each day! 面对实实在在的生活,无论你拥有的是伤感还是快乐,懂得欣赏和利用这个短暂的人生并珍惜它,生命就会焕发光彩!
- Death and birth shift in phase as four seasons alternated.To them which are unworthy be happy or sad for. 死生都是阶段性的变化,就像一年四季的更替一样,没有什麽特别值得欣喜或悲伤的;
- We should not demand that a last line makes us either happy or sad, but thoughtful; it is this that ensures great literature lives, happily, ever after. 不能要求作品最后一句是让人欣喜还是让人悲伤,而是应该让人深省;这一点才是保证伟大的文学作品常青的关键。
- I prefer chatting with women with a cigarette since the little cancer-stick may has been imprinted with her precious golden time whatever happy or sad. 我喜欢和抽烟的女人聊天,因为女人的烟上刻着她珍贵的金色记忆,也许是痛并快乐。
- Check whether Ss have understood the idea of tha passage. After reading, ask Ss a question: “Do you think the writer's schooldays were happy or sad?”. 许多人都谈论他们在学校的幸福时光,但是对我来说,18岁,我有一种解放的感觉。
- All One's Feelings Happy or Sad Are Expressed in the Written Form 苦乐尽在笔纸间
- Regal keeping and feeding star is the glory or sad? 富豪包养明星是荣耀还是悲哀?
- A sudden memory might make you angry or sad. 一个突然的回忆可能令你生气或悲伤。
- If you lay a string of composite photos side by side, it will be clear whether your friend is becoming happier or sadder. 如果你把合成的照片一张一张地摆放,你会很清晰地看见你的朋友是高兴还是难过。
- The connecting rod or drops Happy Or blessing. 牵手或放手。幸福。或祝福。
- Smiling, as with happiness or optimism. 满面春风的微笑,如带着欢悦的或乐观的
- It is comparison that makes men happy or miserable. 人的快乐与痛苦,都来自比较。
- When we cant own it, we always will feel depressed or sad. 当我们不能拥有时,总会觉得沮丧,伤心。
- Long face: saying used to describe someone unhappy or sad. 拉长了脸:用来描述一个人不高兴或忧愁的说法。
- She was a little wistful or sad, and even a little bitter. 她有点怅惘和哀伤,甚至有点痛苦。
- Neil: To make smiley or sad faces. These are also emoticons. 让我们听听下面这两个人对有关表情符号所作的对话。