- This kind of style is heavy in show exalted, elegance to soak luxurious design philosophy, become successful personage to enjoy a kind of portraiture that happy concept lives. 这种风格深沉里显露尊贵、典雅浸透豪华的设计哲学,成为成功人士享受快乐理念生活的一种写照。
- My heart was thumping with happiness. 我的心兴奋得咚咚直跳。
- His hearty laughter is testimony of his happiness. 他尽情的欢笑可以证明他很幸福。
- Happiness is not always annexe to wealth. 财富不一定会带来幸福。
- Nothing can assure permanent happiness. 没有什么东西能确保永久的幸福。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。
- They spend their childhood in happiness. 他们幸福地度过童年。
- Happiness radiated from her eyes. 幸福的光芒从她的眼中散发出来。
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- He has known both grief and happiness. 忧患和快乐他都经历过。
- She associated happiness with having money. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。
- Money doesn't always bring happiness. 金钱并不一定带来快乐。
- One can not identify happiness with wealth. 幸福和财富不能混为一谈。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- His marriage is full of happiness. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。
- Her face was transfigured by happiness. 她高兴得容光焕发。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. 一个人的幸福与家庭关系密切相关。
- It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success. 试图以世间的成功来判断幸福是错误的。
- The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch. 人类幸福的大敌总是伺机进行破坏的。