- hanger ear drill site 挂耳钻场
- It's an honor to us that you have come to visit our drill site. 你们来参观我们的井场,我们甚为荣幸。
- Though the drill site is not in a disputed area, the field straddles the contested demarcation line and Japan worries that reserves in the area might be sucked dry. 虽然钻探地点不在争议区域(一个跨越争议勘界线地域),但日本担心这一地方的资源会被榨干。
- Indeed, after all the various attendant service needed to drill a well are summed up, there could be as many as a hundred service and supply companies working at the drill site at one time or another. 实际上,累计钻一口井所需要的服务,在一个钻井场地同时或不同时有一百多家服务或供应公司工作。
- Fig. 1 Geological map of the Sulu region and the location of the Chinese continental drilling site(modified from reference[ 8 ]). 图1苏鲁连云港地区的构造与大陆科学钻探孔区位置图(据文献[8]简化).
- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- The nccessity and urgency of PDCbit downhole folw field testing are demonstrated according to the character of PDC bit structure,principle of rock fracturing and circumstances of using in drill sites. 根据PDC钻头的结构特点、破岩原理及现场使用情况,阐明了进行PDC钻头井底流场试验研究的必要性和迫切性。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- However, the CCSD drilling site is more than 4100 km away from the epicenter of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake, more than three times its rupture length. 在我国的云南和广东等地所观测到的地震异常和地下水位变化等表明2004年苏门答腊地震的动态激发效应主要沿东北方向,这和大地震的动态激发具有方向性一致。
- A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron. 飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。
- Blood was trickling out of a cut near his ear. 血从他耳边的伤口往外滴。
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。
- My father will give me a thick ear if I tell a lie. 要是我撒谎的话,我父亲会狠揍我的。
- Behave yourself or I'll give you a thick ear! 你放规矩一些,不然我就揍你!
- He heard whizz of a bullet near his ear. 他听到耳边有子弹的飕飕声。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- At six we were fallen in for drill. 六点钟我们站好队准备操练。
- The dog's ear pricked up at the sound. 狗听到声音后竖起了耳朵。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。
- You must give ear to what the parents tell you. 你务须听从父母的话。