- When I put wallpaper up I got paste all over my hands and clothes. 我贴墙纸时手上和衣服上全都沾满了浆糊。
- Degreasing pits, filled with solvent for cleaning the engine parts, dotted the factory floor;workers used squirt cans of solvent to clean their hands and clothes. 厂房地板上散布的除污槽里,装满了各种用来清洁引擎零件的溶剂,工人则用喷筒喷洒去渍剂来清除手上和衣物上的油污。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- They are short of food and clothes. 他们缺吃少穿。
- He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- I saw them join hands and walk together. 我看见他们手拉手一起走。
- Toys, books, shoes and clothes were jumbled on the floor. 玩具、书、鞋和衣服都杂乱地堆在地上。
- Let's join hands and struggle together. 咱们携起手来共同斗争。
- She buried her face in her hands and wept. 她双手掩面哭了起来。
- The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities. 火灾灾民从数个慈善团体收到食物和衣服。
- Hair styles and clothes' fashion should keep step together. 发型应与服装式样相配。
- Hands and feet are locomotive organs. 手和脚是运动器官。
- The joint between the hand and the forearm. 腕,腕关节手和前臂之间的关节
- hand, foot and clothes monitor 手、足、衣服(放射污染)监察器
- He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off. 他抢走我手中的提包就跑了。
- This always included the hump ribs, which were pulled away by hand and the fat meat gulped down, while grease dripped over the face and clothing. 他们用手抽掉牛脊骨,然后将肥肉狼吞虎咽地吃下去。 牛油沾满了脸,并滴在衣服上。
- He seems to expect to be wait on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- The project is in hand and will be completed soon. 工程正在进行中,不久就会完工。
- He held her hand and waited the answer. 他握着她的手等待回答。
- She fills up the box with stones and cloth. 她用石头和布填满盒子。