- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握着刀向这里跑来。
- In a multimedia system, the sequencer is a computer application. 在多媒体系统中,音序器是一个电脑应用程序。
- One slim hand held above her eyes to shield them from the sun. 一只纤细的手放在眼睛上面遮住太阳。
- Mr. Crich went forward with his hand held out to her. 克里奇先生走上前去向她伸出了手。
- Honeywell Announces Agreement to Acquire Hand Held Products Inc. 霍尼韦尔宣布收购手持产品有限公司。
- Check the function of the hand held pendant control. 检查手持式控制板功能。
- Upon him the Tiger purred, and his hand held manna to scatter. 老虎遇到他都会臣服,而比利手持甘露四处撒播。
- A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen. 一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。
- Now that you're writing a book, you need a fast, high-capacity display, with multimedia system. 既然你要写书的话,你需要一台运转快,容量大的机子。要有多媒体功能的。
- It is a hand held, self contained, rechargeable cordless polish. 这是手扶, 独立性, 可再充电的无绳的擦亮剂。
- A multimedia system that allows the customer to place the display LCD screens anywhere can be fitted. 多媒体系统,让客户将液晶屏幕显示的任何地方可以安装.
- Such as the development of multimedia educational software, multimedia system, advanced chemistry teaching resources. 像是开发多媒体教学软件,多媒体高级化学教学资源系统。
- A multimedia system contains information which is coded at least in a continuous and discrete medium. 多媒体系统包含至少有连接的和离散的介质表现的信息。
- Come outside with your hands held high. 举起手走出来。
- Modern advancements in system LSI have enabled multimedia system on a single silicon chip. 随着系统级大规模集成电路技术的发展,在高密度工艺制造的单块芯片上集成多媒体系统成为可能。
- With hands held high into the skies above. 向着遥不可及的天空高举双手。
- It also discusses and conceives the specific usage of multimedia system in music teaching and significance. 本课题研究了现代多媒体技术应用于音乐教学的必然性、应用于音乐教学的现代理念及应用意义;
- Thales Broadcast &Multimedia systems are deployed in 170 countries. 在170个国家里,安装有泰雷兹广播与多媒体公司的系统。
- Multimedia system: A system which allows end users to share, communicate and process a variety of forms of information in an integrated manner. 多媒体系统:它是这样一个系统,允许最终用户以集成的方式对多种形式信息进行共享、通信和处理。