- hand drying apparatus 干手器
- Main apparatus: pressure steam sterllizer, drying apparatus, tinning apparatus. 主要设备:高温高压锅、干燥设备、袋包机(或罐装设备)等。
- This paper deals with tests carried out on a lab-scale drying apparatus simulating indus-trial conditions. 本文论述在模拟工业条件的实验室烘干设备上所作的试验。
- The air current water extractor is gluten flour produces the widespread application drying apparatus. 气流干燥器是谷朊粉生产广泛应用干燥装置。
- She combed and smoothed it with a hand dryer. 她用电吹风把头发梳理,平整。
- The existing problems of the second hand drying machine imported from Celanese are introduced and the modifying program is put forward. 介绍了引进的塞拉尼斯公司二手干燥设备存在的问题,提出改造方案。
- Main products: auto hand dryer, auto soap provider,auto tap, etc. 主力产品:自动干手机,自动给皂机、自动水龙头、自动冲水器。
- Where drying in vacuum over a desiccant is directed in the individual monograph, a vacuum desiccator or a vacuum drying pistol, or other suitable vacuum drying apparatus, is to be used. 要是按着单独文献报道中做真空干燥失重,应该使用这些文献中要求采用的真空干燥器、真空干燥枪或者其他的真空干燥设备。
- Drying apparatus for fodder and forage 饲料和草料干燥设备
- Drying apparatus for ginkgo leaf 银杏叶专用烘干机
- Drying apparatus for photographic prints 照片晒印干燥设备
- Abderhalden's vacuum drying apparatus 阿布德尔哈尔顿真空干燥器
- Determine if hand drying is practiced 如果是手工擦罐
- high speed film drying apparatus X光片快速干燥器
- Supplying automatic faucet,automatic urinal flusher,automatic toilet flusher,automatic hand dryer,automatic soap dispenser,hair&skin dryer etc. 行业类别:建筑建材液体肥皂机卫浴设施座厕及配件卫浴用五金件水龙头花洒及配件有效期限:2010-12-31
- Ostrogoviche's vacuum drying apparatus 奥斯特罗戈维(氏)真空干燥器
- Now company"s series product are range from Automatic Faucet、Automatic Urinal Flusher、 Automatic Toilet Flusher、Automatic Hand Dryer、Automatic Skin &Hair Dryer and so on. 服务精品生活公司为每位尊贵的客户提供五年产品品质保证;
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。
- Design and Application for Professional Chipboard Drying Apparatus 专用大纸板烘干机的设计应用