- This paper presents a new Local Binary Pattern(LBP)-based face recognition method with Hamming distance constraint. 摘要 提出了一种新的使用汉明距离约束的LBP(局部二值化模式)人脸识别算法。
- Thirdly, calculated the Hamming distance between two iris codes and then obtained the recognition result according to the Hamming distance. 计算两个虹膜编码之间的海明距离,根据海明距离给出识别结果。
- Two fuzzy utility functions and a fuzzy preference relation are proposed on the basis of fuzzy maximum set, fuzzy minimum set and Hamming distance. 通过引入模糊极大集和模糊极小集为参照系统并以海明距离为计量工具,定义了两个模糊效用函数和一个模糊优先关系作为模糊集的排序指标。
- The power leakage principle of CMOS device is introduced, which is in direct portion to Hamming distance processed in gate. 文章首先简单分析了CMOS器件工作时产生功耗泄漏的机理,即与门电路内处理数据的汉明距离成正比;
- The Hamming distance between two words a and b, viewed as elements of a vector space, can then be seen as the Hamming weight of a-b. 如果把a和b两个单词看作是向量空间中的元素,则它们之间的汉明距离等于它们汉明重量的差a-b。
- The fact that the constructed networks canfinish minimum Hamming distance decoding and minimum soft distance decoding to graphtheoretic code was proved. 最后给出采用所构造的前向神经网络进行一个图论码的硬判决译码和软判决译码的计算机模拟结果。
- Considering overall evaluation of the system performance, a new evaluation strategy using fuzzy hamming distance was introduced during the optimization process. 考虑到综合评价系统的各项性能指标,在优化过程中引入了新的模糊汉明距离的评价策略。
- The Hamming distance is also equivalent to the Manhattan distance between two vertices in an n-dimensional hypercube, where n is the length of the words. 汉明距离也等于一个n维的超立方体上两个顶点间的曼哈顿距离,n指的是单词的长度。
- An improved error-correcting algorithm of extended hamming code is given,which can correct the error brought by shock noise without increasing hamming distance. 提出一种改进的扩展海明码纠错算法,在不增大海明码距的情况下,提高海明码的抗干扰能力,实现对冲击噪声引起的突发干扰进行纠错。
- In this paper,some properties of intuitionistic fuzzy special sets and its operator are discussed,and the algorithm of its hamming distance is presented. 本文首先讨论了直觉模糊特殊集及其算子的一些性质,并给出了其海明距离的定义和计算。
- As a relatively new branch in the inverse optimization area, inverse network optimization problems under Hamming distance have been shown to be theoretically interesting and practically useful. 作为逆优化问题中相对较新的一个分支,哈明距离下的网络逆问题具有较大的理论研究及实际应用价值。
- Fuzzy assessment model is used to assess eutrophic state of ten lake areas in Donghu Lake of Wuhan City.The resemblance between the object and the criterion is denoted by Hamming distance. 采用模糊评价模型对湖北省武汉市东湖10个湖区的富营养化水平进行评价,评价对象与标准对象的相似程度采取海明距离进行处理。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- inter generations hamming distance 种群特征
- minimum Hamming distance decoding 最小汉明距离译码
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- Ham lost his life to save me from the storm at sea. 哈姆为把我从海上的风暴中救出来而失去了生命。
- He tucked into the ham hungrily. 他狼吞虎咽地大吃火腿。
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. 他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。