- 目前,Buddy还在服用镇静药物,不过它的精神状态很好。He is now taking an anti-shock drug, yet remains in good spirits.
- 他向饮料里掺了镇静药。He doctored his drink with sedatives.
- 镇静药sedative
- 速效镇静药a fast-acting tranquillizing drug
- 镇静药/效果sedative drugs/effects
- 巴比妥[催眠镇静药]barbital
- 被用作镇静药和催眠药使用的一种巴比妥钠盐。the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate used as a sedative and a hypnotic.
- 宁眠泰尔戊巴比妥钠镇静药的商标A trademark used for the sedative pentobarbital sodium.
- 胃镇静药gastric sedative
- 镇静药充填Sedative filling
- 镇静药滥用Sedative abuse
- 镇静药依赖Sedative dependence
- 镇静药中毒Sedative intoxication
- 神经镇静药nerve sedative
- 免费供应一包包的镇静药。Packets of the soothing medicine were available free.
- 催眠镇静药hypnotic and sedative
- 呼吸镇静药respiratory sedative
- 精神镇静药psychosedative
- 镇痛镇静药Sedative and analgesic
- 催济明-镇静药trigemin