- My sister never tires of talking about her work. 我姐姐总是不厌其烦地谈论她的工作。
- She is conscientious about her work. 她工作负责尽职。
- Day by day she learnt more about her work. 她日益了解了自己的工作。
- She is very careless about her work. 她对自己得工作很粗心.
- She talked quite freely about her work. 她坦率地谈自己的工作。
- She went cheerfully about her work. 她高高兴兴地做她的工作。
- My daughter's been off her oats a bit recently. I think she's worried about her work at school. 我女儿近来胃口不好,我想她是在为学校的功课发愁。
- And she often writes to me about her work at the Valley Hospital. 而她经常把她在valley医院工作的情况告诉我,
- She went about her work in a systematic and deliberate manner. 她干工作时有条理而不慌不忙。
- Don't say anything bad about her work; she's very sensitive about. 千万别说她的工作不好,她就怕别人提这件事。
- Jennie went about her work, but the impression persisted. 珍妮干着她的工作,但那印象仍存留在她脑中。
- Boss has cautioned Rose about her carelessness in her work. 老板已经警告过罗斯她工作上的粗心。
- She was moving to and fro about her work, alert, joyous and robust. 她跑来跑去地干活,手脚轻健,兴高采烈,身强体
- My wife always calls a spade a spade about her work situation. 我妻子对别人谈起她的工作时,总是直言不讳。
- She went about her work quite as cheerlessly as usual. 她和往常一样十分郁闷地着手做她的事。
- Although we gave her advise about her work,but she kept her own counsel. 尽管我们对她的工作捉了意见,但她保留她的看法。
- The new nurse was perfunctory; she did not really care about her work. 新来的护士敷衍了事,她为真正在意她的工作。
- She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 她以能力束腰,使膀臂有力。
- Half hearted efforts will only bring marginal results. 三心二意难成大事。
- Although we gave her advise about her work, but she kept her own counsel. 尽管我们对她的工作捉了意见,但她保留她的看法。