- Re: Love stories of a Sichuan woman half century ago. 四川女人半世纪前的情劫。
- In the last half century, no congressional statute has failed this test. 近50年来,所有的国会法令都经过了这一检验。
- Why had Vautrin been forgotten by the public for the past half century? 为什么在过去的半个世纪里魏特琳却被公众遗忘?
- After the half century, Youwentusi only then moves into the Ahl inferior field. 直到半个世纪后,尤文图斯才搬入阿尔卑球场。
- These great technological advances of the past half century have transformed the scope of military operations. 在过去的半个世纪中所取得的这些巨大的科技进步已经改变了军事操作的范围。
- In the past half century,Xinjiang's economy and social undertakings have advanced by leaps and bounds. 五十年来,新疆经济和社会各项事业得到了迅速发展。
- On behalf of our nation, I salute my predecessor President Reagan for his half century of service to American. 我代表我们的国家向我的前任总统里根致敬,他为美国服务了半个世纪。
- Andre Malraux is a remarkable novelist,artist and politician in the first half century of the 20th in France. 安德烈.;马尔罗是法国20世纪上半期的重要作家。
- In the recent half century, the Empress Dowager rules this ancient inpire as a wife, a mother as well as a woman. 在近半个世纪里,慈禧太后以一个妻子、一个母亲和一个女人的身份管理着这个古老的帝国。
- In the past half century, Xinjiang's economy and social undertakings have advanced by leaps and bounds. 五十年来,新疆经济和社会各项事业得到了迅速发展。
- Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century. 总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。
- In the front half century, all giants talked about meaninglessness, outrage, suffer, worry, terror, fear and anxiety. 前半个世纪的所有巨人都在谈无意义,愤怒,受难,忧虑,恐怖,害怕,焦虑。
- Since half century, theory of Si Dalin economy is on regnant position from beginning to end in our country. 半个世纪以来,斯大林经济理论在我国始终居于统治地位。
- For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. 半个世纪以来,美利坚在遥远的边界上警戒地捍卫着我们的自由。
- The Red Army overran eastern Germany and Central Europe, which led to a half century of Communist enslavement. 红军占领了德国东部和中欧,从而导致上述地区半个世纪共产主义奴役。
- Energy-saving technology with a history of nearly half century, Founded a lot of the boom of AED today. 拥有近半个世纪的节能技术,奠基起今天的AED,其技术力量始终处于世界领先水平。
- In the past half century,our planet has become vastly more crowded,more interdependent,and more unstable. 在过去的半个世纪,这个行星已经开始变得拥挤,相互依赖和动荡。
- Because,this is we since half century on all schoolbook, it is all the time so say. 这是因为我们半个世纪以来所有的教科书上,一直是这么说的。
- Sputnik left Earth a half century ago this month. Now proponents hope to revive the romance of human space exploration. 第一颗人造地球卫星离开地球距今已经50年了。现在的爱好者希望继续这条探索太空的浪漫之旅。
- Two and a half century of the brand, generation of Mao Zedong's visit great man, so that Huo Gongdian Mingyangsihai. 两个半世纪的品牌,一代伟人毛泽东的光临,更使火宫殿名扬四海。