- Keywords haematoma in basal ganglia;microinvasion;location of transfixion pin;prognosis; 基底节区血肿;微创;穿刺针位置;预后;
- haematoma in basal ganglia 基底节区血肿
- Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem. 此病变多位于基底节、白质深部、脑干。
- MR images revealed increased signal in basal ganglia, which worsened over the two month time interval between images. 磁共振影像显示基底节增强的信号,在间隔2个月后的影像上可以看到病变进一步恶化。
- Adenosine A(subscript 2A) receptors are selectively localized in basal ganglia and can affect the locomotor activity. 摘要腺苷A(下标2A)受体在基底神经节选择性表达并与运动行为有关。
- Methods:60 patients with hematomas in basal ganglia region were treated by microneurosurgery. 方法:60例基底节区血肿均采用经侧裂入路手术治疗。
- Voxels were selected in basal ganglia area,and 1H-MRS were processed to determined the metabolite ratios,including NAA/Cho,NAA/Cr,Cho/Cr. 采用2DCSI技术检测所有入组对象的双侧豆状核、尾状核的代谢物浓度,包括氮-乙酰天门冬氨酸/肌酸复合物(NAA/Cr),氮-乙酰天门冬氨酸/胆碱复合物(NAA/Cho)以及Cho/Cr比值。
- Abnormal signals in basal ganglia of 4 patients of 129Met/Met homozygote occurred after 2.5 months averagely, they survived for 10.5 months at average. 4例甲硫氨酸纯合型 (12 9Met/Met)底节T2 异常信号发现时间平均 2 5个月 ,存活时间平均 10 5个月 ;
- AIM:To evaluate the therapeutic effect of early small bone window craniotomy on hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia. 目的:探讨早期小骨窗开颅显微手术治疗高血压基底节区脑出血的临床疗效。
- A transsylvian approach was performed in basal ganglia region for hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage without injuring the optic radiation and the uncinate fasciculus. 经外侧裂、梨状皮质和钩的入路行基底节区高血压手术时,可以不损伤视辐射和钩束。
- The degeneration and disappear of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta induces the functional disorder of the efferent nuclei in basal ganglia circuity. 该病是由基底节黑质致密部多巴胺(dopamine,DA)能神经元的变性缺失导致该运动调控环路传出核团功能亢进而引起的。
- Howeverwith MRI scanning 9 cases had abnormal signal change in medulla oblongata, 5 cases had abnormal signal change incerebellum, 2 cases had abnormal signal in basal ganglion. 发病72h内头部MRI检查,9例延髓有异常信号改变,5例小脑有异常信号改变,2例基底节区有异常信号改变。
- Cerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglia 基底节区脑出血
- Study of perception of emotion from face in patients with stroke in basal ganglia 基底节卒中患者面孔情绪认知障碍的研究
- Results:CT findings were as follows: (1) spotty or small round calcifications, mainly seen in basal ganglia area; 结果:本病的CT特征为:(1)脑内钙化,多见于基底节区,呈点状或小圆形;
- PET showed the low metabolism in the basal ganglia region of the injected side. pet显示模型侧基底核区低代谢,与术前相比明显不同。
- The types of basal ganglia agraphia were AAg, VAg, PAg, MAg and GAg. 基底神经节失写类型有:失语性失写、视空间性失写、惰性失写、镜像书写及完全性失写。
- Action sites of rotation and unit firing induced by l-stepholidine and DA agonists in basal ganglia of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats 左旋千金藤立定和DA受体激动剂对6-OHDA损毁大鼠旋转行为和基底核神经元放电的作用部位(英文)
- 1 patient of 129 Met/Val heterozygote showed abnormal signals in basal ganglia after 12 months, and survived for 16 months. 1例甲硫氨酸杂合型 (12 9Met/Val)底节异常信号发现时间为 12个月 ,存活时间为 16个月 ;
- Conclusion Microsurgery treatment of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haematoma in key-hole approaches could increase the evacuation rate and decrease... 结论经微骨窗显微镜下清除自发性出血性脑卒中患者血肿,可有效提高血肿清除率及降低血肿复发。