- Happiness takes no account of time. 欢娱不惜时光逝。
- Happiness take no account of time. 幸福不觉日月长。
- Happiness takes no account of time 良宵苦短
- He takes no account of this factor. 他忽略了这一因素。
- She takes no account of my warning. 她不理会我的警告。
- At the time of programing the network, must understand first clear which functions is must of, which can take no account of. 在规划网络的时候,必须先了解清楚哪些功能是必须的,哪些可以不考虑。
- The certification takes no account of the State and Operator Variations. 本鉴定书不考虑国家及经营人差异。
- The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement. 其理由是分析中没有考虑钢筋的纽结。
- Of course it is wrong to take no account of these characteristics or deny their existence. 不估计到这种特点,或否认这种特点,当然是错误的。
- It takes no account of the depreciation of capital goods, and so overstates the value of production. 这种做法丝毫没有考虑资本货物的贬值,而将生产创造的价值无限夸大。
- Demon animal world is not to have commutable, good, then we take no account of substitutional issue. 魔兽世界是无可取代的,好,那我们不考虑取代的问题。
- Press scale of active finance income, take no account of regular pay, acquittance rural debt needs 9 years. 按现行财政收入规模,不考虑正常的支出,偿清农村债务需9年。
- We take no note of time but from its loss. 只有失去了时间我们才能意识到时间。
- If take no account of problem of imports and exports, so our country lies namely now devaluation, the phase that prices soars. 假如不考虑进出口问题,那么我们国家现在就是处在货币贬值,物价飞涨的阶段。
- H-takes no account of time. [谚]欢乐不觉日子过。
- But greater fluidity does not mean a company to be issued OK and simply new and the attenuant effect that takes no account of pair of existing partner accrual. 但更大的流动性并不意味着公司可以简单地发行新股而不考虑对现有股东收益的稀释效应。
- Norm is collected take no account of your actual income condition, no matter have,set you one year only without income, income how many, want pay so much duty. 定额征收不考虑您实际的收入情况,只规定你一年无论有无收入,收入多少,都要缴纳这么多税。
- The solving method of it is that the ventilative property of coat should be taken no account of whicn can increasing thickness and intension to block off the flow of mould sa... 解决的办法是:由于这一真空度高于砂箱内的值,故可不考虑该处涂层的透气性,增加其涂层厚度及强度以阻挡型砂流动,或者把直浇道与浇口杯制成一体,这样问题就得以解决了。
- For the joint part of earth dam and sluice foundation, the two projects are calculated, that is taking into earth dam body seepage and taking no account of earth dam body seepage. 对土坝和泄冲闸的结合部位渗流场进行了考虑土坝坝体渗流和不考虑土坝坝体渗流的两种方案的计算。
- No good accountant would ignore the depreciation of a company's capital, but the standard GDP measure not only does that but also takes no account of resource depletion and environmental degradation. 一位优秀的会计师不会忽视公司资本的贬值,但标准的GDP指标不仅忽视了这一点,也没有考虑到资源损耗和环境恶化的因素。