- Adjustment of Underground Traverse and Analysis of Horizontal Error for End Point after Adding Measuring Gyroscope Azimuth Angle 测有多个陀螺方位角地下导线的平差及横向端点误差分析
- gyroscope azimuth angle 陀螺方位角测量
- In a PPI, the radar echo signals are shown in plan for with the range and azimuth angle displayed as polar coordinates. 在生产者价格指数,雷达回波信号显示与范围和方位角的极坐标显示在计划。
- At last, the azimuth angle and the elevation angle are derived from the aim area barycentre. 最后通过鱼眼图像中太阳斑区中心点计算出太阳与视点之间的高度角与方位角。
- The measurement of the inclination angle and the azimuth angle of a well in the drilling process is important. 钻探过程中钻井的倾斜角和方位角的测量至关重要。
- For the azimuth angle (sideways) use a magnetic compass and swing the dish boldly sideways to find the satellite on the first swing. 至于方位角角度(斜向一边的)使用一个磁性指南针和大胆地摇摆盘斜向一边发现卫星在第一摇摆。
- Worm gears are adopted for driving rotational motion along azimuth angle and power screws are used for raising zenith angle. 蜗轮与蜗杆被用来驱动方位角的转轴,仰角的转动则使用螺杆。
- As expected, the measured brightness temperatures change with view zenith angle, view azimuth angle, and the Sun position. 地面亮度温度的测量值随观测天顶角、方位角和太阳位置而改变。
- The pit shaft parameters of the elevation angle,the azimuth angle,the tool of facial angle and so on are obtained after the computation. 该技术可用于井身轨迹复测、钻井定向和侧钻井开窗定向等。
- Based on the simple azimuth angle formula, derive frontal intersection formula indicated by azimuth angle formula in this paper,and it was applied in mine gateway connect survey. 以简单的方位角计算公式为基础,推导出了以方位角表示的前方交会定点公式,并在该矿的贯通测量中得到了应用。
- Based on the theory and algorithm of the vector hydrophone, a method of sounding alarm from the azimuth angle detecting system when a target is closest is presented. 根据矢量水听器的测向原理和算法,提出了一种利用目标方位角的变化实现水下运动目标低频高精度的报警方法。
- In conventional Fourier-type magneto-optic spectrometer, the starting azimuth angle of polarizer and analyzer should be determined and aligned before the measurements. 在傅里叶变换型磁光谱仪中,起偏器和检偏器的初始方位通常需要在测量前预先定位。
- The focusing intensity decreases gradually with the increasing of the astigmatic coefficients.The azimuth angle of focusing spot is determined merely by astigmatic coefficients. 聚焦光强随着透镜像散系数的增大而逐渐减弱,聚焦光斑的方位仅由像散系数确定;
- This paper will introduce the basic principle of mensurating astronomical longitude, latitude and azimuth angle in detail, and summarize status quo and existent problems of geodesy and astrometry. 本文详细地介绍了天文经纬度和天文方位角测量的基本原理和方法,综述了天文测量目前的发展状况和存在的问题。
- Various methods of angle measurement in MTD radar are reviewed and compared in this pa- per, Comparison result shows that the measurement accuracy of azimuth angle in MTD radar can be im- proved by using amplitude message in coherent integration. 对MTD雷达的几种测角方法进行了综述和比较,结果表明,利用相于积累的幅度信息可以改善MTD雷达的方位测角精度。
- The radiant intensity was different around the ship at different time, and it was also different at the same time with different azimuth angle, and it increased with the increase in elevation angle. 舰船不同时刻的辐射强度沿周向差异显著,同一时刻不同方位角上的辐射强度存在一定差异,同一时刻同一方位角上的辐射强度随仰角的增大而增大。
- This paper suggests a technique not needing track correction flight that corrects space location error and reference azimuth angle error for radars when installing them in network. 文中提出了一种对雷达网布站时产生的雷达站的空间和基准方位角误差的不需要航校飞行的校正方法。
- Then the total flexural curvature and the natural tortuosity of the centerline can be expressed with the change rates of deviation and azimuth angles. 另一方面,考察了井孔内具有抗弯刚度套管微元的平衡状态,建立了套管微元所应满足的控制微分方程及其差分格式。
- When the well deviates, the microprocessor makes the controlled stabilizer work to produce a drop force which will reduce the inclination.The azimuth angle of the bit may change at the same time. 当井斜角超过额定值时,井下微处理器控制可控稳定器工作,产生降斜力以减小井斜角,达到纠斜的效果。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。