- He took the child out of the gutter. 他收养了这个穷苦孩子。
- The gutter has filled up with mud. 沟槽里都是泥。
- The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter. 那辆摩托车倒在沟中。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。
- A gutter under the eaves of a roof. 水槽屋檐下的凹槽:
- Gutter language; the gutter press. 下层社会的语言; 下流的报纸
- She's made free with my records during my absence. 我不在时她擅自用我的磁带。
- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record. 这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- Has it been found out who set the record? 弄没弄清楚这记录是谁创造的?
- I hung up a school record for the high jump. 我创造了学校的跳高纪录。
- She holds the world record for the long jump. 她保持著跳远世界纪录。
- She set a new world record for the high jump. 她创下跳高的新世界纪录。
- She's going for the world record in the high jump. 她想创造跳高世界纪录。
- The heavy rain has filled up the gutter again. 大雨又把水槽填满了。
- Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years. 刚过去的这个夏季是50年来记录中雨水最多的。
- He broke two national records that evening. 那天晚上他打破了两项全国记录。
- I obtained this record for you with difficulty. 我好不容易为你弄到了这张唱片。
- The gutter took away the rain-water from the roof. 檐沟把从屋顶流下的雨水带走。