- gutt levoepinephrine 左旋肾上腺素眼药水
- The sea Gutt tomb has the Marx grave. 海格特墓地有马克思墓。
- Gutt,Ernst-August.2004.Translation and Relevance:Cognition and Context[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 谭载喜.;新编奈达论翻译[M]
- Their student Ernst-August Gutt applied it to translation studies and got an encouraging result. 随后,Wilson的学生Gutt最早把这一理论运用于翻译研究中,并取得突破性的进展。
- Instead of arriving “down under”, Gutt found himself on a different continent and bound for the chilly state of Montana. 可他发现自己并没有到达“澳洲”,而是置身于另一个大洲,正向寒冷的蒙大拿州飞去。
- In light of Gutt’s(1991) explanation of the application of Relevance Theory in translation, a successful communication is the aim of translation. 根据Gutt(1991) 对关联理论在翻译中的应用的解释,成功的交流才是翻译的目的。
- Gutt borrows the relevance theory from pragmatics to explain translation activity while Bell tries to explain the translation process with models. 纽马克的翻译理论侧重于语义和交际翻译;
- According to the str ategies of Gutt's direct translation and indirect translation,the concrete metho ds of translating humorous utterances are put forward. 根据格特的直接翻译与间接翻译的策略,笔者提出了幽默言语翻译的具体方法。
- The first chapter gives a brief introduction of relevance theory, which is put forward by Sperbe & Wilson and developed in interpreting translation by Gutt. 第一章首先对关联理论作了简要介绍,并指出关联理论与翻译的关系。
- Ernst August Gutt, the student of Sperber and Wilson, made a deep study on translation according to relevance theory. Five years later, he published his dissertation thesis translation and relevance: communication and cognition. 他们的学生Ernst August Gutt根据关联理论对翻译进行了深入研究,五年后,于1991年出版了其博士论文《翻译与关联:交际与认知》,书中提出了关联翻译理论,令翻译研究耳目一新,并引起了国内外学者的广泛关注和研究兴趣。
- Ernst August Gutt first applied relevance theory to translation study.He points out that translation is an act of ostensive-inferential interlingual interpretation and of verbal communication. 厄恩斯特.;奥古斯特
- With the use of the GTVH and Gutt"s theory, examples are examined to display how verbal skills are employed to trigger various kinds of incongruities and how efficient the translation is. 小说的作者钱钟书在严肃的主体下应用多种语言技巧创建了大量文字幽默。
- This paper explores the issue of humor and humor translation in the light of Attardo"s General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) and Gutt"s translation theory built on relevance theory. 本文运用艾塔杜的文字幽默总论(GTVH)和格特的翻译理论研究幽默和幽默翻译问题。
- [2 ] E August Gutt .Translation and Relevance[M] . 上海:上海外语教育出版社 ;2004.
- K. Heller, C. Gutt, B. Schaeff, P. A. Beyer, B. Markus Division of Paediatric Surgery, Department 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- gutt eserine 毒扁豆碱眼药水
- gutt fluorescin 荧光素钠眼药水
- gutt idoxuridin 疱疹净眼药水
- gutt levoepine phrine 左旋肾上腺素眼药水
- gutt physostigmin 毒扁豆碱眼药水