- They got out of the jeep and climbed in gusty wind. 他们下了吉普车,顶着一阵阵的狂风爬了上去。
- The awning flip-flopped in the gusty wind. 布篷在阵风中拍答拍答地响着。
- Playing in gusty winds Thursday, Zhou bogeyed three of the first five holes. 星期四风很大,周训书在前五洞中三洞打出了柏忌。
- However, it is quite easy to get fog and gusty wind at TMS. 想比较下上山影同向屋企影有几大分别.
- Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour. 阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。
- Investigation revealed that there was strong gusty wind on day of the accident. 调查显示,意外当日刮起凛烈阵风。
- Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of75 miles an hour. 阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。
- Fifty miles per hour gusty winds spread the fire towards ranches and houses in the heavily-forested canyon. 50英里每小时大风散布朝牧场和住房的严重森林峡谷。
- You protected us through gusty winds and torrential rains, and even used the storm to bless us. 祢保护我们经历狂风骤雨,甚至使用暴风雨祝福我们。
- English: 374. Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour. 中文:阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。
- Meteorologists are just saying gusty winds will also blow all that snow around creating poor visibility. 气象学家说阵风将会把雪吹得到处都是,造成较差的能见度。
- The day was raw, with a sprinkling of snow and a gusty wind, made all the more intolerable by the speed of the car. 那天又湿又冷,天上飘着零星的雪花,寒风阵阵,因为电车速度飞快,更加冷得无法忍受。
- More than 11,000 homes and businesses were without power at some point Saturday in Wisconsin because of the freezing rain, ice, gusty wind and heavy snow, utilities said. 由于冻雨、大风和冰雪,星期六,威斯康星州的一些地区有11,000个家庭和和商店停电。
- A violent, gusty wind. 狂风,狂吹
- "So it looks," said Carrie, whose nerves were quieting under the sound of the rain drops, driven by a gusty wind, as the train swept on frantically through the shadow to a newer world. “看来是这样,"嘉莉说。 听着一阵阵风送来的雨点声,她的神经渐渐地安静了下来。 火车正穿过黑暗,朝着一个更新的世界疾驶而去。
- And the gusty winds waked the winged seeds, 疾风把有翼的种子吹醒了,
- I don't want to go out in this gusty day. 这样的阵风天里我不想出门。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。