- guinea worm infection 麦地那龙线虫传染
- C.D.C. says Guinea worm no longer strikes in Asia. 疾病控制中心说,麦地那虫已在亚洲消失。
- See also filarial worm, guinea worm, trichina. 亦请参阅filarial worm、guinea worm、trichina。
- The C.D.C. says Guinea worm no longer strikes in Asia. 疾病预防控制中心称在亚洲麦地那龙线虫病已经销声匿迹了。
- The C.D.C says Guinea worm no longer strikes in Asia. 美国疾病控制和预防中心说,几内亚蠕虫病已经不再在亚洲流行。
- There is no vaccine against Guinea worm and no toughly totally effective treatment. 目前还没有麦地那龙线虫的抵抗疫苗和完全有效的治疗。
- We are close to radicating the eradicating Guinea worm disease from the face of the year. 今年过后,我们差不多可以根除几内亚龙线虫病。
- Medical experts say they they've almost totally wipe wiped out the a painful paracide parasite called the Guinea worm. 医学专家宣布他们几乎已经根除了一种让人痛苦的寄生虫-几内亚龙线虫。
- The disease the guinea worm carries, called dracunculiasis, can be extremely debilitating and painful. 病症为极度衰落和疼痛。
- Secor said the parasitic worm infection may undercut the immune system's ability to fight off HIV infection and may make it easier for HIV to get into white blood cells. 当人们从污染的水中经过、游泳或洗浴,寄生虫穿过皮肤,顺血而行,引起贫血、腹泻、内出血、脏器损伤和死亡。
- They worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.That is the technical name for Guinea worm disease. 他们致力于为全球麦地那龙线虫病(几内亚龙线虫病的学名)防治运动增加实践和捐赠活动。
- The parasites enter the body when a person drinks water containing water fleas infected with Guinea worm larvae, the young form of the worm. 当一个人饮用的水中含有被几内亚龙线幼虫(龙线虫的幼体)感染的水蚤,寄生虫就进入人体。
- Guinea worm disease usually does not kill, but it is extremely painful. It prevents people from caring for their farms, their homes and sometimes even themselves. 一般来说,几内亚线虫病是不致命的,但却是非常痛苦的。它使人们无法照顾自已的农场,家庭,有时甚至无法照顾自已。
- Guinea worm disease usually does not kill, but it is extremely painful. it It prevents people from curing caring for the their farms, the their homes and sometimes even themselves. 通常,几内亚龙线虫病不会引起死亡,但是会引起极度的疼痛。本病患者通常无法从事农务,照顾家庭,甚至照顾自己。
- The miro* microscopic worms infect snails, which in turn lay infected eggs. 这种显微的虫子感染螺丝,然后再继续感染生下的卵。
- The * microscopic worms infect snails which interm in turn lay infected eggs. 这种微型蠕虫能传染然后,蜗牛再排出受感染的卵。
- The microscopic worms infect snails, which in turn lay infected eggs. 微型蠕虫传染蜗牛,蜗牛产下受感染的卵。
- World United to Rid Africa of Dreaded Guinea Worm 世界联手协助非洲灭除可怕的龙线虫
- guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis) 麦地那龙线虫
- The microscopic worms infected snails which in turn lay infected eggs. 这种微小的蠕虫感染了蜗牛,然后产下感染的虫卵。