- CLAUDIA: I suppose we could people the world with vampires, the three of us. 克劳迪娅:我想我们可以让这个世界布满吸血鬼,靠我们三个。
- Could people do their banking at the point of sale in a village store, for example? 比如,人们会在一个乡村商店的销售点处理借贷业务吗?
- Could people do their banking at the point of sale in the village store, for example? 例如,人们有可能在乡间小店里,进行银行服务吗?
- Could people do their banking at the pointed( point of) sale in a village store, for example? 银行领导层探讨一些问题,例如手机在银行业务中应用,以及如何在农村地区提供服务。
- How could people live in indifference towards the depriving of such a basic "freedom"? 连这仅有的“自由”都被剥夺之时,人们还将怎样生存?
- How could people localize the details of the final fault spot up to the component in advance? 人们怎么能预知细化到元器件的最终故障点呢?
- He could see three people through the mist. 他透过雾能看见三个人。
- The cottage could accommodate up to five people. 这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。
- What more could people ask for?" 如果这还不够劲,它还有个悲剧的结局。
- Not a guide could be found. 日军到来时,就连一个带路的人也找不到。
- Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution. 很多年轻人不能抵制精神污染。
- His guiding principle has been never to stop learning. 他的指导原则是永不停顿地学习。
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Nobody could have foreseen such a calamity. 这样的灾祸谁也不会预想到。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。
- I couldn't summon up his name at the moment. 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。