- The guerrilla force fell in trouble, so they had to go under. 游击队陷入了困境,因此他们不得不转入地下。
- The guerrilla force fell in trouble,so they had to go under. 游击队陷入了困境,因此他们不得不转入地下。
- The guerrilla force captured the highland in two hours. 游击队两个小时之内就占领了高地。
- They were aided by the guerrilla forces. 他们得到游击队的援助。
- The guerrilla forces will not agree to lift the armed struggle. 游击队不会同意停止武装斗争。
- Hezbollah officials often casually mention the link between the Scouts and the guerrilla force. 真主党官员常常不经意提到童军与游击队的关系。
- Late at night, the guerrilla forces besiege the yard. 当俊俏女兵和老马向爷爷求助时,爷爷沉默无语,悄悄离去。
- Late at night,the guerrilla forces besiege the yard. 当俊俏女兵和老马向爷爷求助时,爷爷沉默无语,悄悄离去。
- The last thing those pro-western governments wanted to see was a resurgent guerrilla force upsetting the political chessboard in the region. 这些亲西方的政府最不想看到的事,那就是再度复活的游击队力量颠覆了本地区的政治格局。
- The great landholders of South China, following the traditions of Tseng Kuo-fan and Tso Tsung-tang who put down the Taiping Rebellion, might raise a gentry-led guerrilla force. 中国南方的大地主,可能会继承当年镇压太平天国的曾国藩和左宗棠的衣钵,编练由乡绅领导的游击队。
- But, what needs to pay attention, has chosen the guerrilla force, must complete concurs the designer, porter, overseeing and so on number duty the mental preparations. 但是,需要注意的是,选择了游击队,就得做好身兼设计师、搬运工、监理等等数职的思想准备。
- The same principle also applies when we go into battle with an absolutely inferior force,for example,when a guerrilla force makes a surprise attack on a large White army force,but is attacking only a small part of it. 绝对劣势,例如游击队袭击白军大队伍,仅仅是袭击其一小部分,同样适用上述的原则。
- Our guerrilla forces there have suffered some setbacks but have not been wiped out. 南方的游击战争,受到了某些挫折,但是并没有被消灭。
- Arab governments would undertake to control the operations of guerrilla forces from their territory. 阿拉伯各国政府也将设法约束游击队在他们领土上开展活动。
- The same principle also applies when we go into battle with an absolutely inferior force, for example, when a guerrilla force makes a surprise attack on a large White army force, but is attacking only a small part of it. 绝对劣势,例如游击队袭击白军大队伍,仅仅是袭击其一小部分,同样适用上述的原则。
- The Japanese invaders dragooned him into telling where the guerrilla forces were. 日本侵略者强迫他说出游击队在什么地方。
- After several years of struggle, the guerrilla forces finally defeated the invader. 游击队经过几年的斗争终于打败了侵略者。
- It is a characteristic of guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines that it is fought without a rear, for the guerrilla forces are severed from the country's general rear. 无后方作战,本来是敌后游击战争的特点,因为它是同国家的总后方脱离的。
- It is a characteristic of guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines that it is fought without a rear,for the guerrilla forces are severed from the country's general rear. 无后方作战,本来是敌后游击战争的特点,因为它是同国家的总后方脱离的。
- Though Yang Jingyu and the First Route Army of the armed forces of resistance against Japan are illustrious, as its predecessor,Panshi guerrilla forces is almost unknow to people. 杨靖宇和抗联第一路军赫赫有名,但作为抗联第一路军前身的磐石游击队却鲜为人知。