- Because once guarantee slip invalidation, oneself hope gotten safeguard was done not have. 因为一旦保单失效,自己希望得到的保障就没有了。
- Decide from this, the product of company of guarantee slip nonego that you offer. 由此判定,您所提供的保单非我公司产品。”
- Decide from this, the product of department of guarantee slip nonego that you offer. 由此判定,您所提供的保单非我司产品。”
- Whether is carrying Cheng to giving two my guarantee slip false guarantee slip still exists demur? 是否携程对给我的两份保单是假保单依然存在异议?
- Effect of 3, guarantee slip answer: After guarantee slip invalidation, in 2 years in, you can apply for to deal with effect of guarantee slip answer. 保单复效:保单失效后,在二年之内,您可以申请办理保单复效。
- I arrive alertly recently, net of the journey that carry Cheng already 3 inferior " guarantee slip door " incident issues official statement. 我最近留意到,携程旅行网已就三亚“保单门”事件发出官方声明。
- When the borrower can not discharge debt on time, the creditor can implement the creditor's rights by right of the guarantee slip. 在借款人不能按期清偿债务时,债权人可以凭借质押保单实现自己的债权。
- My department already was at affirming relevant guarantee slip from headquarters of restful insurance company recently forge. 我司已于近日从平安保险公司总部确认相关保单为伪造。
- After this, liang Yuxiang for many times with the bargaining that carry Cheng, but carry Cheng still firm say guarantee slip won't have a holiday. 此后,梁玉祥多次与携程交涉,但携程仍然坚称保单不会有假。
- The kind that carries an agreement in time according to contract requirement to insurance cost of insurance company pay, lest appear the situation of guarantee slip invalidation. 按照合同要求及时通过约定的方式向保险公司缴纳保费,以免出现保单失效的局面。
- Mark a price 20 yuan false guarantee slip, serve the where the wind and the waves are highest of public opinion it again, offend come the sound that the public oppugns one piece. 标价20元的假保单,再次将它送上舆论的风口浪尖,惹来公众一片质疑之声。
- Loan of 7, guarantee slip: If you are cast,be badly in need of spending money, the insurance contract of the cost of money that already can have applies for loan to insurance company for impawn. 保单借款:假如您投保后急需用钱,可以已具有的现金价值的保险合同为质押向保险公司申请借款。
- Again, insurance company sends report of outstanding achievement of a share out bonus every year to guarantee slip holder, insurance company and client share the operation result of insurance company jointly. 再次,保险公司每年向保单持有人寄送一份分红业绩报告,保险公司与客户共同分享保险公司的经营成果。
- Insurance of share out bonus is the profit that points to insurance company to manage its actually a generation, undertake to guarantee slip holder by certain proportion divider birthday is sure. 分红保险是指保险公司将其实际经营所产生的盈余,按一定比例向保单持有人进行分配的人寿保险。
- Insurance of share out bonus is to point to insurance company the profit that its price of excel of actual operation result assumes, have new product of divider life insurance to guarantee slip holder by certain proportion. 分红保险是指保险公司将其实际经营成果优于定价假设的盈余,按一定比例向保单持有人进行分配的人寿保险新产品。
- We guarantee the fastness of these dyes. 我们担保这些染料不褪色。
- The main feature with safe share out bonus depends on: Policy-holder assures a benefit besides what can get guarantee slip sets outside, return the operation result that can enjoy insurance company. 分红保险的主要特征在于:投保人除了可以得到保单规定的保证利益外,还可以享受保险公司的经营成果。
- Copartner of management of grand lawyer group Dr.Zhan Hao represents the state, make carry out guarantee slip illegally how qualitative, want to look to whether cause serious effect or loss. 国浩律师集团管理合伙人詹昊博士表示,非法制售保单如何定性,要看是否造成严重的影响或损失。
- Approving sheet is to be content of modificatory insurance contract, insurance company the certify to of the compensatory sex that issues insurant, have with guarantee slip equal contract sanction. 批单是为变更保险合同内容,保险公司出具给被保险人的补充性的书面证实,与保单具有同等的合同约束力。
- The impawning of guarantee slip must be set up according to certain procedure,when the pledger can not pay off debts on time,the pledge can implement the pledge right of guarantee slip... 保单质押贷款必须经过一定的程序才能设立,在出质人不能按期清偿债务时,质权人可以按照法律规定的程序实现保单质权。