- You cannot base a new file on a workspace file. 您不能在工作区文件的基础上建立一个新文件。
- Base a claim on some observation. 把自己的主张基于观察之上。
- You should base a judgement on the fact. 你应该以某事实为依据进行判断.
- Determination of Mai Guan Fu Kang pill 脉管复康片中丹参酮的含量测定
- His immediately gives Ecuadorian capital base a much press writes a letter. 他随即给厄瓜多尔首都基多的一家报纸写信。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- Her reasoning was fallacious in that she tried to base a general rule on just two or three instances. 她的推理是荒谬的,由于她试著把通则只放在二或三个实例上。
- Transparent and open, how did you come up with the idea to make the base a big window open to the public? 透明和开放,您是如何想到要设计一个如透明橱窗般对公众开放的基地的?
- Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent. 小观园外,一陶瓷壁画,艺术无所不在。
- Vegetarianism Comes to Yokota Air Base A Happy Blood Donor - Vegetarianism Cured My Anemia! 快乐的捐血人-吃素改善我贫血的毛病!
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- In a poor, lowly, or base manner. 简陋地,谦卑地,卑鄙地
- Throughout his career, Tesla strove to find the perfect principle on which to base a revolutionary invention. 特士拉在他的事业里,致力于追寻完美的原理,以建构革命性的发明。
- This was a very good kung fu movie. 这是部非常好的功夫片。
- Humanitarian assistance, despite its heroic aura, is at its base a poultice, not a prophylactic or a cure. 即便有英雄般的光环,人道救援根本就是救急不救穷的措施。
- "A great idea!" Agreed Liu Bei and Guan Yu. 刘备和关羽都说:“真是太好了”。
- I can make a mistake if I base a decision on the misread words or the incorrect interpretation of the object. 如果我读错了一个字或误解了一个东西,基于此再作决定,那我就要犯错了。
- He tired to take a short cut to kung fu. 他想走捷径学功夫