- The pond is walled in by the thick growth of trees. 池塘被茂密的树木环绕着。
- A dense growth of trees; a forest. 树林密植的树林;森林
- With the growth of trees, root systems interlace. 以油松为例进行模型验证。
- The pond was walled in by the thick growth of trees. 那个池塘周围种了许多树。
- Compared with the original region of L.leptolepis,Nagano-ken in Japan,the growth of tree and diameter at breast height had not difference. 与日本落叶松原产地日本长野县相比,林木的树高和胸径生长几乎没有差异。
- The writer is of the opinion that some site factors, such as climate, microtopography and soil are intimately correlated with the distribution and growth of tree species. 针对江苏海岸各种立地环境条件,论述了如何选择先锋树种和后继树种,使海岸造林取得预期效果。
- The fallen leaves can turn into the fertilizer to help the growth of trees. 落叶能成为树的肥料。
- They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. 他们用一些树干建造了一个简陋的棚子。
- A dense growth of trees,plants,and underbrush covering a large area. 森林一大片树丛、花木丛和下层林丛
- A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area. 树林或森林里生长在高树下面的灌木丛(小树、矮树丛和蕨类植物)。
- What kind of/sort of tree is that? 那是什麽树?
- The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. 暴力犯罪的增加是个非常现实的问题。
- In this large-format guide, Gibbons discusses the parts of a tree and their functions, the growth of trees, and the different types of trees. 在这本书中作者介绍了跟树有关的各种常识,包括树的构造,各种不同种类的树、成长过程及对人类的帮助、、、等。
- The growth of successive layers of a cell wall. 敷着,附着细胞壁连续层的生长
- A thicket or growth of these plants. 澳洲油桉丛上述这种植物的一丛或一群
- The development and growth of an embryo. 胚胎发生胚胎的发展与生长
- We made camp under the shade of trees. 我们在树荫下宿营。
- Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants. 人工供暖能促进植物生长。
- A row of trees screened our view. 一排树木挡住了我们的视线。
- A screen of tree hide the villa from the beach. 这些别墅有树木遮掩从海滩上是看不见的。