- The supplies of all factors of production grow over time. 一切生产要素的供应量随着时间的推移在不断增长。
- Why residents savings deposits continued to grow over the years? 为什么多年来居民储蓄存款持续增长呢?
- Their fondness for each other has grown over time. 他们的对彼此的喜爱在时间以来已经生长。
- The wall is grown over with ivy. 这堵墙长满了长春藤。
- Grave grass will grow over the graveyard and will deaden your grief, my old father. 墓草严重将超越悲痛,将你的耳目,我的老父亲。
- IBM will provide a clear path to advanced capabilities as your needs grow over time. 随着时间的推移,您的需求会增加,IBM将为您开发高级功能提供清晰的发展路线。
- Valbuena is a target for a host of clubs across Europe as doubts grow over his long-term future at Stade Velodrome. 瓦尔布艾纳是欧洲众多俱乐部所追逐的目标,很多媒体猜测他是否能够维洛德罗姆球场履行他的长期合同。
- The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there. 随着这些年来OSS实验室的成长,我们在里面越来越温暖了。
- To become grown over, as with unwanted vegetation or weeds. 长满长满,如无用的植物或杂草
- Further concern then grew over gold prospecting in the town. 当时,对将来的忧虑充斥了镇子上的黄金勘探。
- The transplanted nerves will act as a conduit to allow the baby's undamaged fight-hand nerves to grow over to his left side. 被移植的神经就像导线一样发挥作用,可以使婴儿未受损伤的右手神经向其左侧延伸生长。
- So often, websites grow over time, and they need to be redesigned, because the information within them needs to be condensed or reorganized. 通常情况下,网站会随着时间的推移而不断地成长,并且我们需要对它进行重新设计,因为其中的内容需要压缩并重新组织。
- While KBC believes traditional markets will grow slowly at a rate of less than 3%, emerging markets, although considerably smaller, will grow over 16%. KBC公司相信传统市场将以少于3%25的速率缓慢增长。
- Likewise Jason Zhang joined us recently from Neurocrine in San Diego where he has watched us grow over the last few years. 同样,最近JasonZhang也离开了圣地亚哥的Neurocrine公司而加入了我们,他目睹了我们在近年内的成长。
- But as concerns grow over their potentially negative impact on the state's market, the choices for Californians won't be easy. 但是,关注他们的成长可能产生不利影响国家的市场,加州的选择将是不容易的。
- Grass has grown over the path through the woods as people no longer use it. 树林中的这条小路杂草丛生,因为人们不再从这儿走了。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- My faith faded, and the crusty shell of lovelessness grew over me again. 我的信心会冷淡,冷漠的硬壳也把我包起来。
- We just had installed a new 12-ton cooling unit in the lab.? The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there. 最近我们在实验室安装了一个新的12吨冷却单元。 随着这些年来oss实验室的成长,我们在里面越来越温暖了。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。