- Onions and lilies grow from bulbs. 洋葱和百合是从球茎中长出的。
- Some plants grow from seed and some from cuttings. 有的植物从种子发芽生长,有的植物从插枝成长起来。
- Branches grow from the stock of the tree. 树枝是从树干上生长出来的。
- Block header: Block headers grow from the top down. 数据块头自上向下增长。
- So, a snowflake will always grow from its corners. 因此,角会是雪花生长的起步点呢!
- What seed? What root did it grow from? 原因何在?根源到底是什么?
- Both are easy roses to grow from cuttings. 两种玫瑰都容易扦插成活。
- Many new potatoes will grow from one . 种下一个马铃薯,会结出很多马铃薯》(春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽)
- He had watched me grow from childhood. 他是看我长大的。
- She had watched me grow from childhood. 她是看我长大的。
- Great oaks grow from little acorns. 大橡树是从小橡果长成的。
- Bamboo shoots grow from around the roots. 从根部周围生长出竹子嫩芽。
- It grew from a tiny start-up to a multimillion-dollar corporation. 那家公司从小小的新公司发展成数百万美元的大公司。
- He had seen it grow from insignificance to prominence. 他眼看它从默默无闻变为赫赫有名。
- Grown from the same trees, Why boil us so hot? 本是同根生,相煎何太急。
- It grow from a tiny start up to a multimillion dollar corporation. 那家公司从小小的新公司发展成数百万美元的大公司。
- It grew from the soil of European capitalism. 它是从欧洲资本主义的土壤上生长起来的。
- But a Bing cherry tree is not grown from seed. 但是红肉樱桃树不是从种子生长而来。
- Sarracenia are fairly easy to grow from seed if you have patience. 基本上,只要你有耐心,瓶子草会是很容易栽培的。
- In this way they grew from weak to strong. 就这样他们变得由弱到强。