- After a year, his tongue began to grow back. 一年后,他的舌头长回来了。
- BB: Yeah.Ouch.Those do not grow back, y'know. 是啊。哎。你知道的,那些东西可长不回来啦。
- Sh**ing Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Coarser. 刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。
- Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Coarser. 刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。
- It's a hormone patch somy mustache doesn't grow back. 那是个荷尔蒙贴片。为了让胡子不再长出来。
- The flap removed during PRK may grow back abnormally. 在PRK手术中移除的组织会不规则地长回来。
- And the king said, Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back, then return. 王对他们说,你们住在耶利哥,等到胡须长起再回来。
- You get a wound, it grows back together. 当你被碰伤时;伤口会自动愈合.
- After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its' talons. 等脱落后,老鹰静静地等候新的喙长出来。它会用新长出的喙把指甲一根一根的拔出来。
- My hair soon grew back to its natural colour(= after being dyed). 我的头发很快又恢复了本色。
- They wanted to determine how well the leaves and roots would grow back in the presence of lead. 他们想确定叶和根在铅存在的情况下是如何恢复的。
- After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its'talons. 等脱落后,老鹰静静地等候新的喙长出来。它会用新长出的喙把指甲一根一根的拔出来。
- A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind, for which Zeus chained him to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver, which grew back daily. 普罗米修斯从奥林匹斯偷火给人类的巨人,因为这事宙斯将他锁在一块巨石上,派一只鹰去吃他的肝,而他的肝每天又重新长上
- When its'new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its' old-aged feathers. 当新的指甲长出来后,它便把老化了的羽毛一根一根的拔掉。
- All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow back. 她的头发在大火中烧掉了, 但医生保证她的头发还会长起来的。
- Don't worry about cutting the rose bushes severely,they always grow back,stronger and healthier than ever. 不必担心把玫瑰花丛剪得太厉害,花丛还会长起来的,而且会更加茂盛。
- Nadine Sayegh is among those who didn't have the luxury of waiting for her college nest egg to grow back. 好多人都等不到重新赚回自己的大学开销的,纳丁就是其中一个。
- The sensitive, fuzzy skin is called velvet. Each caribou has a signature pattern which can grow back year after year. 敏感并长有绒毛的皮肤叫做鹿茸。每头驯鹿都有一个年复一年能长回来的特征模式。
- When its' new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its' old-aged feathers. 当新的指甲长出来后,它便把老化了的羽毛一根一根的拔掉。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。