- GE's ambition had long been simply to grow faster than the economy,an objective with at least two problems. GE公司的目标长期以来一直就是:超过整个经济增长的速度。这个目标至少存在两个问题。
- GE's ambition had long been simply to grow faster than the economy, an objective with at least two problems. 公 司 的 目 标 长 期 以 来 一 直 就 是 : 超 过 整 个 经 济 增 长 的 速 度,这 个 目 标 至 少 存 在 两 个 问 题 。
- While alumina consumption is projected to grow faster than the market as a whole, silica and particularly iron oxide are expected to underperform the market and consequently lose market share. 氧化铝应用的增长速度超过了整个市场总体增长速度,硅和氧化铁则表现不佳,低于市场增长速度,因此会丢失一部分市场份额。
- The express train is an hour faster than the local. 快车比慢车快一小时。
- For so long a laggard in the euro area, its economy is now growing faster than the regional average. 在欧元区已疲软多年的德国现在正以高于地区平均水平的速度增长。
- President Bush says the price spike is the result of basic economic forces: global demand for oil that is growing faster than the supply. 布什总统说高油价是基本的经济力量的结果:全球对石油需求的增长得比供应的增长要快。
- At the same time,they are engaging in an arms race,so there is still a danger of world war. However,the world forces for peace are growing faster than the forces for war. 同时,苏美两家还在进行军备竞赛,世界战争的危险还是存在的,但是世界和平力量的增长超过战争力量的增长。
- The ovules are hemi-anatropous, crassinucellate and bitegamic.The outer integument, which is of 2-3 layers of cells in thickness, grows faster than the inner one. 胚珠横生,厚珠心,珠被两层,外珠被2或3层细胞厚度,且发育较内珠被快速。
- At the same time, they are engaging in an arms race, so there is still a danger of world war. However, the world forces for peace are growing faster than the forces for war. 同时,苏美两家还在进行军备竞赛,世界战争的危险还是存在的,但是世界和平力量的增长超过战争力量的增长。
- Airliners in service at present cannot fly faster than the speed of sound. 目前供使用的客运机飞行速度不能超过音速。
- In fact, getting accepted at any college has actually become easier, Hoxby argues, as the total number of freshman seats has grown faster than the number of prepared high-school graduates. 霍克斯比说,现在学生要被大学录取已经变得更加容易,因为大学的招生计划总数的增长速度要快于有志于读大学的高中毕业生数量。
- The train runs five faster than the boat. 火车的速度至少比小船的速度快五倍。
- The subway was faster than the bus. 地下铁比巴士还快。
- The light travels faster than the sound. 光比声音的传播速度快.
- ROGER FEDERER: Than the last time or. 是和上次交手比吗?
- Better the last smile than the first laughter. 宁可最后微笑,不要首先狂喜。
- As the world economy slumps, one consumer segment will grow faster than ever. 随着世界经济的衷退,一种简约生活人士消费者细分市场将会成长得更快。
- Better the last smile than the first laugher. 开头大笑不如最后微笑,不要高兴太早。
- Ben told Toby that he could run faster than the school champion, and Toby told Ben to put up or shut up. 本对托比说他能跑得比学校的冠军还要快; 托比要他跑着看一看,否则就别吹牛。
- She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last. 她被迫四处奔走求救於人,但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个。