- Any of the admixture or additive is forbidden to add into the JS Grout. 现场使用时,严禁在JS灌浆料中掺入任何外加剂、外掺料。
- Non-shrink grout material is based on Portland cement mixed with compound admixture and graded aggregate. It is character ized of non-shrink, high flow ability and high strength. 是一种以水泥为胶结材、配以复合外加剂和特制骨料,现场加水搅拌后即可使用,具有无收缩、大流动性、高强特性的专用灌浆料,不含氯离子。
- Color epoxy grout system and method for use. 彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。
- The battle was won at grout cost in human lifes. 牺牲了许多人的生命才换来了这次战役的胜利。
- The grouting method is analyzed in the paper. 笔者通过实际工程对注浆法整治桥头跳车技术进行研究。
- Caulk or grouting needed in tub area. 需要为汽缸做灌浆或防漏。
- Superfine cement is a new grouting material. 超细水泥是一种新型的灌浆材料。
- The more the admixture, the lower the concrete strength. 掺量过高时,混凝土的强度降低;
- Quality: Feeding Broadbean,Moisture[max]15%,Admixture[max]2%. 品质:饲料蚕豆,水份[最高]15%25,杂质[最高]2%25。
- Simple,but not brief,such admixture of iron Jian is seldom. 简约而不简单,混铁剑这样的少见了!
- Fly ash can be take as high quality admixture of concrete. 处理后的粉煤灰可作为优质的混凝土掺合料。
- At the same time supply all kinds of concrete admixture! 同时供应各种混凝土外加剂!
- Quality: Feeding Broadbean ,Moisture(max)15%,Admixture(max)2%. 品质:饲料蚕豆,水分(最高),杂质(最高)
- Standard forms for grout compressive strength test cube. 砂浆试模。
- The behavior of microfine cement grout is similar to Bingham fluid. 在流变性质上,超细水泥浆液属于宾汉流体。
- Some proposals to promote the GIN grouting techniques presented. 最后就推广GIN法灌浆技术提出了一些建议。
- Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V.Palisca. 书名/作者 A history of western music / J.
- The admixture of two or more different units gives rise to linear copolymers. 由两种或多种不同单体的混合物能得到线型共聚合物。
- In charge of admixture sales. Assist to collect customer information. 主要负责销售混凝土外加剂工作,并协助收集客户信息。