- The group issued a communique condemning all acts of piracy. 该会议小组发表了一份公报,谴责一切形式的海盗行为。
- Group issues is a problem faced by all contemporary countries,but the design and practice of group lawsuit system they choose is very different,tending to be varied. 群体纠纷是当代各国共同面临的问题,而各国选择群体诉讼制度的设计和实践却千差万别,显示出多元化的趋势。
- Afterward, Barcelona medical affairs group issued a statement confirmed that He Laibu lateral ligament of left knee sprain, must undergo a 3-4 weeks of rest home. 事后,巴萨医疗事务组发布声明确认,赫莱布左膝外侧韧带遭受扭伤,必须接受为期3至4周的静养。
- HK) shareholders last Friday through to the parent company, CITIC Group issued convertible bonds, and the transfer of most of the accumulated foreign exchange options contracts . HK)股东上周五通过;向母公司中信集团发可换股债券;及转让大部分外汇累计期权合约的计划.
- The group issued an ultimatum on June 26th to the nation's mayors and governmental officials to urge them to resign immediately or they would face "death penalty" or abduction at anytime. 该组织6月26号向全国所有市长和政府官员发出最后通牒,要求他们立即辞职,否则将随时被“处决”或绑架。
- In May,1996, I organized to appraise the whole assets of Wujin Derv Machine Co. of Jiangsu Wulin Group and I acted as item manager(before shares of sort B of Wulin Group issued in open market). 1996年5月组织对江苏五菱集团武进柴油机厂实施整体资产评估,担任项目经理(五菱B股上市前)。
- In accordance with legal procedures, which are red sun major asset reorganization, the south one agricultural group issued shares biochemical Nanjing purchase the assets of 100 percent the first step. 根据法律程序,这是红太阳进行重大资产重组,向南一农集团发行股份购买南京生化100%25的资产的第一步。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。
- The group was made up of doctors. 这个团体是由医生组成的。
- A group of boys dashed out of the classroom. 一群男孩子从教室里冲出来。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。
- He is a the most brisk young man in this group. 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- I stand out in a group interview. 在集体面试中脱颖而出。
- He looked around the small group of mourners. 他环顾一下那一小群的送葬者。