- three-dimensional groundwater flow model 地下水三维流模型
- Parameters identification of groundwater flow model with genetic algorithm and Gauss-Newton Method 遗传算法和高斯牛顿法联合反演地下水渗流模型参数
- Application of genetic algorithm to an inverse problem of hydrogeology parameters in a three dimensional groundwater flow model 遗传算法在反演三维地下水流模型参数中的应用
- Study of nonstationary stochastic groundwater flow modelling 非平稳随机地下水流模拟
- groundwater flowing model 地下水流模型
- groundwater flow model 地下水流模型
- Finally, coupling the groundwater flow numerical model and optimization model constructed management model using response matrix method. 最后采用响应矩阵法耦合地下水流数值模型与优化模型建立了管理模型。
- Laws of migration of the groundwater flow in the Anba ore block are defined. 借助计算机技术对矿区地下水等水头线进行了模拟,确定了区内地下水流的运移规律。
- Pan Guoying.2001.Theory and model for groundwater flow transport in fissured rocks.Wuhan:China University of Geoscience Press(in Chinese with English abstract). 潘国营.;2001
- Keywords salt water intrusion;fresh water purdah;finite element groundwater flow modeling software;numerical simulation.; 海水入侵;淡水帷幕;有限元地下水模拟系统;数值模拟;
- Perturbation of ground surface temperature reconstructions by groundwater flow? 用地下水流进行地面温度重建的扰动?
- Based on the above study, a three-dimensioned unsteady heat transfer model of U-type UCHE was established, which took different thermal properties of soil layers and groundwater flow into account. 在上述研究基础上,围绕埋地换热器与周围土壤的换热过程,考虑沿深度方向土壤层之间热物性的不同以及地下水流动等因素,建立了垂直U型埋地换热器三维非稳态数值传热模型。
- The research indicates that the determination of groundwater flow rate is the key to energy saving of GSHPPRSW. 研究表明,地下水流量的选取是同井回灌地下水地源热泵节能的关键。
- Under the influence of faults, the groundwater flowing characteristics of disconuity and aniso-tropy make the process of groundwater numerical simulation more complex. 地下水流在有断层影响下呈现出不连续性和各向异性的特征;使地下水流的数值模拟过程变得复杂.
- Geohydrology, as the name suggests, used to deal with subterranean hydrology.It related to the hydraulics of groundwater flow and solute transport. 地质水文学,正如其名称所暗示,用于研究地下的水文学,它是关于地下水流动和污染物迁移的水力学。
- I think IBM 150 million dollars in cash flow model Lane off too permeated. 我想IBM在150亿美元的现金流模型里过得太滋润了。
- The growth of the groundwater flow system is controlled by recharge and discharge of the (aquifer) and structure of the (aquifer) system. 地下水循环系统由含水土层补水和排水和含水土层系统的结构控制。
- Overexploitation of freshwater and brine caused the variation of natural groundwater flow field, then form the groundwater depression cone. 大量的开采淡水和卤水,使区内地下水天然流场变异,产生了地下水位降落漏斗。
- The relation between hydrocarbon and groundwater flow system with underpressure and normal hydrostatic pressure is discussed. 探讨了低压系统和常压系统的水文地质开启程度及其水流系统与油气的关系。