- ground start signaling 地线启动信令
- The only smoke we get is when the Indians start signaling each other. 只有当印第安人互相发送信号时我们才能见一点烟雾。
- It will delay the start signal for six clock periods. 它将起始信号延迟六个小时周期。
- The status or condition of being ready to run. A program, task, or hardware device that is in a ready condition needs only a start signal in order to begin operation. 准备就绪即可运行的状态。一个程序、任务或硬件设备在处于就绪状态时,只需要一个起动信号就开始工作。
- As we waited for the start signal that day,Chubby was prancing in place,alert and obviously eager to be running. 那天,在我们等待出发信号时,查比在原地腾跳,全神贯注,明显表现出要奔跑的强烈愿望。
- Country of dormitory of person of the debtor after skip over meal a little while, namely spirit enlivens like only white young young person ground start off. 略过饭后借主人宿舍国一会,即只白小青年一样精神抖擞地上路了。
- Spare magazines or reloading devices inadvertently dropped or discarded by a competitor after the start signal may be safely retrieved. 比赛开始后选手不慎掉落或丢弃的备用弹匣及填弹装置可在安全的前提下收回。
- The status or condition of being ready to run. A program,task,or hardware device that is in a ready condition needs only a start signal in order to begin operation. 准备就绪即可运行的状态。一个程序、任务或硬件设备在处于就绪状态时,只需要一个起动信号就开始工作。
- Also can toot with cleaner toot ground starts over directly, float ash take out. 也可以直接用吸尘器呜呜地来一遍,把浮灰都去掉。
- It doesn't get warmer until the sun is stronger and the ground starts to absorb heat again. 直到太阳完全跃出地平线,更加炙热,地面开始吸收热量后,温度才慢慢升高。
- A character including one start signal at the beginning and one or two stop signals at the end. 一种字符,由一个起始信号开头,一个或两个停止信号结尾。
- Aircraft Electrical, Electronic Engineers, Component Overhaul, Ground Starting units for Ground Power. Approved and Accredited. Generator AC. DC. Starter generators. 供应飞机电路,电子工程,零件检修,地面启动电源设施,直流与交流发电机,发电机启动器。具备认证。
- When using the one start rule, any swimmer starting before the starting signal has been given shall be disqualified. 当采取一次出发有效规则,任何游泳运动员在出发枪响前抢跳都会被取消比赛资格。
- When these receptors were bound with nicotine, they started signaling the cells to grow and migrate. The findings were confirmed in mice. 当这些受体与尼古丁结合后,他们开始信号传导致使细胞生长和迁移。调查结果证实在小鼠体内。
- SW 2.8.2 Each timekeeper shall start his watch at the starting signal, and shall stop it when the swimmer in his lane has completed the race. 计时员应在出发信号发出后立即开动秒表,当本道运动员抵达终点时立即信表。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- A deep elemental rumbling was followed almost immediately by the sound of a falling masonry.The ground started to sway and wobble, almost as though waves were passing beneath your feet. 一座石制建筑倒塌后,紧接着,地下深处发出巨大的隆隆声,地面开始摇晃、颤抖,脚下好像有波浪翻滚。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。
- This ranges from immediate aid on the phone to giving an immediate starting signal for a service technician or spare parts delivery. 这包括通过电话的应急指导及立即派出服务工程师或者快速发出备件。
- He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。