- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- The ship drifted out to sea in the storm. 暴风雨中那条船漂出海。
- The soldier hollowed oat a foxhole in the ground to lie in. 那士兵在地上挖了个散兵坑以便藏身。
- The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus. 火车缓慢地停下来时离损坏了的公共汽车只有几英寸的距离。
- Now they are ready to put to sea for the first catch of the year. 现在他们己为今年第一次捕鱼做好出海准备。
- If trade doesn't improve soon, the industry will grind to a halt. 如果商业不迅速恢复景气,工业就要陷入停顿。
- The boats will put out to sea on this evening's high tide. 今天晚上涨潮时这些船就要启航。
- A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post. 埋桩子的洞在地上所挖的用来放置栅栏栏杆的洞
- At the age of fourteen, Tom ran away and went to sea. 汤姆十四岁那年离家出走,去当海员。
- At the age of fourteen, Tom ran away from home and went to sea. 汤姆14岁那年离家出走,去当海员。
- The children squared off the ground to play games. 孩子们在地上划上方格玩游戏。
- The captain was afraid to venture out to sea, and decided to hug the shore. 船长不敢冒险驶向大海,决定保持靠近岸边航行。
- We will never yield ground to the enemy . 我们决不会将阵地放弃给敌人。
- They cast off and the boat sailed out to sea. 他们解开缆绳,船驶出海去。
- He bent to the ground to pick up the pen. 他弯腰从地上拾起钢笔。
- The current drifted the boat to sea. 急流把那条船冲到了大海。
- The strike brought industry grinding to a halt. 由於罢工生产逐渐停顿下来。
- He dug into the ground to get some thing . 他挖掘土地去寻找某样东西。
- We put out to sea on the early morning tide. 我们乘早潮起锚出海。
- Keep it low to the ground to minimize any falls. 离地面要近,以防婴儿跌落。