- ground oyster shells 蛤粉
- And the white powder used is from quality oyster shells or minerals extremely finely ground, thereby giving rise to even and mellifluous lines. 沥粉贴金工艺所使用的白粉是品质优良的牡蛎粉或优质矿物粉,而且白粉研制极为精细,因此沥出的线条匀称流畅。
- Our nacre shell cream is made from crushed oyster shell which are rich in nacre, concholin, proteins and nutients. 我们的珍珠层霜选用富含珠母贝、贝壳硬蛋白、蛋白质和营养成分的牡砺壳制成 。
- Chicken's Gizzard-membrane, Tangerine Peel, Kelp, Tuckahoe, Lesser Galangal Rhizome, Oyster Shell, Hawthorn Fruit,Peach Seed, and so on. 鸡内金、橘红、昆布、茯苓、高良姜、牡蛎、山楂、桃仁等。
- Definition: Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam.Osteridae). 本品为牡蛎科动物长牡蛎 Ostrea gigas Thunberg、大连湾牡蛎 Ostrea talie nwhanensis Crosse 或近江牡蛎 Ostrea rivularis Gould的贝壳。
- Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products. 其它几种物质也可用来施用石灰,如?壳灰、泥灰、钢渣磷肥(碱性炉渣)、草木灰和工业水泥的副产品等。
- The nitrification behaviors in aerated biofilter with oyster shell as biofilm carrier were investigated under different ammonia concentrations and pH values. 贝壳粗糙的表面及其含有的大量碳酸钙,可作为生物膜的载体及硝化反应的碱度来源。
- In l920s, in the poorer parts of London small children collected oyster shells, bits of coloured stone or pottery, with leaves, flowers, etc., built a litt1e "grotto", and knelt beside it with their caps ready for pennies. 本世纪二十年代,伦敦贫民区的小孩子们捡来牡蛎壳、彩色小石头或陶片,再加上树叶和鲜花等,垒一个小神龛,然后跪在神龛旁,手里端着帽子乞讨小钱。
- According to the experimental results, the utilization of oyster shells, rice husk ash, WTPS and BOF slag as cement raw materials to produce Alite-rich cement and Belite-cement is feasible. 可知以牡蛎壳、稻壳灰、净水污泥与转炉石可全取代作为水泥生料。
- Some of us keepers and breeders will be thinking that we have no problems because our birds have access to cuttlebone or they get oyster shell grit or crushed egg shells or chicken bones. 我们中的一些人员和育种会认为我们没有问题,因为我们只获得海螵蛸或他们得到牡蛎壳砂砾或压碎蛋壳或鸡骨头。
- Iridescence is thus the glowing, shifting, colorful quality of a rainbow, also seen in an opal, a light oil slick, a butterfly wing, or the mother-of-pearl that lines an oyster shell. 主要工作还是帮宙斯夫妇往人间带信,业余时间还为赫耳墨斯拿拿权杖算是打小工。
- The output of Oyster Shell in Fujian Province is highest in whole China, whereas the utilization of Oyster Shell stagnates because such “bottleneck” as high energy consumption and serious pollution. 福建省牡蛎壳拥有量全国第一,而牡蛎壳的开发因高能耗、高污染“瓶颈”难题而处于停滞状态。
- And sawdust restaurants with oyster shells; 和满是蠔壳的锯屑餐馆中;
- Extracting Activated Ca from Oyster Shell 牡蛎壳制备活性钙
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。
- He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。
- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- The sky was bright but flat, the color of oyster shells(Anne Tyler) 万里晴空,一片牡蛎壳的色彩(安妮 泰勒)
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。