- ground object function 地物查询功能
- A method of the ground object target simulation of SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) raw signal was discussed. 分析讨论了一种合成孔径雷达成像三维地物目标模拟的方法。
- An optimum d esign model for offshore jacket platform is established by using the weight as s ingle object function. 建立以平台总重量为目标函数的导管架平台优化模型。
- The thickness of laminated plates is considered as the object function and the winding angle as the design variable. 以层合板的各层铺设角为设计变量,层合板的厚度为目标函数进行优化设计。
- The imaging fundamental of SAR was expatiated and the raw echo signal model of complex three-dimensional ground object target was established. 阐述了复杂三维地物目标模型的建立方法,分析了回波信号的结构并且讨论了成像仿真参数。
- The simulation parameters of SAR system were given and the imaging of the complex three-dimensional ground object target was finished. 最后完成了对三维复杂地物目标的成像仿真实验,得到了较为理想的结果。
- The objective function denotes revenue, profits or costs. 该目标函数表示税收,利润或价值。
- The inverse solution was obtained through minimizing the object function using CGM based on the direct problem. 反问题的解在正问题的基础上通过共轭梯度法最小化目标函数得到。
- It can be seen that the object function of the simple model is both non-convex, non-continuous, and has many local optima. 模型曲线形状表明:该优化问题为非凸不连续,具有多个局部最优解;
- The two Fuzzy C-Spherical Shell (FCSS) clustering algorithms based on the same object function are analyzed and a new algorithm is proposed. 通过对基于同一目标函数的两种模糊C-球壳(FCSS)聚类算法性能的比较与分析,提出一种新算法。
- This algorithm has a strong global - searching performance and has no requests for the continuity and differentiability of object function. 该算法具有强大的全局搜索性能和不要求目标函数连续、可微等特点。
- This thesis applies KKT interior programming to analyze the power grid in Zhengjiang using minimum network losses as object function. 并以网损最小为目标函数,用基于KKT条件的内点法对镇江电网进行了无功优化分析。
- We construct an objective function based on Minimum Description Length (MDL). 我们以最小描述长度的原理为基础构造了目标函数。
- Second, objective function was minimized with conjugate gradient technique. 第二,用共轭梯度法将目标函数最小化。
- Three factors of image information, namely gray, texture and edge, are the basic factors which reflect the reliability of ground objects. 而图像信息理解的三要素,即灰度、纹理和边缘,是卫星图像反映地物的可信度的基本要素。
- Taking optimization design of adjustor as an example, the process of constructing object function, defining initial value and simulating dynamic system was discussed. 并以调节器参数最优化设计为例,论述了目标函数构造、初值确定、动态系统仿真分析的过程。
- Through modifying the object function of the new algorithm, a proper tradeoff can be realized between LTF and ALTF for more satisfying performance parameters of LDPC codes. 该算法不仅可以进一步提高优化性能,还可以通过修改目标函数在下三角和准下三角之间合理均衡以便确定LDPC编码优化的最佳性能参数。
- The direct problem was solved by BEM, while the inverse solution was obtained through minimizing the object function using CGM based on the direct problem. 正问题采用边界元法求解,反问题的解则在正问题的基础上通过共轭梯度法优化目标函数得到。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The matching matrix and the transformation parameter are solved through minimizing the object function restricted bi-directionally by matching one to one in the two point sets. 建立点集之间一一对应双向约束下的匹配目标函数,通过最小化该目标函数可以同时得到点集之间的匹配矩阵和变换参数。