- ground ear corn with husks 大田作物
- Pillows are stuffed with husks from wheat or corn. 枕头里装麦稻谷壳。
- It smells horrible when you burn whole ear corn in the wood stove. 你把玉米穗放到木炉子上烤,味道很难闻。
- Don't measure other's corn with your own bushel. 不要以己度人。
- There are two basic things to keep in mind with husks. 对于残骸要记住两个基本的事情。
- Juggernauts with their range and power are also a nice idea to deal with husks. 神像凭借它们的射程和火力也是处理外壳的好武器。
- Oh,please tell me at least have the saffron corn with jalapeno honey butter. 噢;请告诉我至少有撒着墨西哥胡椒和蜂蜜黄油的金黄璀璨的玉米.
- Some farmers may replant corn, others may replace corn with (soybeans). 一些农民可能会重新种植玉米,其他的可以用大豆来代替玉米。
- The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- Some farmers may replant corn. Others may replace corn with soybeans. 一些农民可能重新种植玉米。其他人可能转种大豆。
- Now here are a couple things to keep in mind for each faction when it comes to dealing with husks. 此外,对于每一个阵营,在处理机甲外壳得时候这里有一些事情您需要牢记。
- Steam bean rice with husked kaoliang and rice bean. 取碴加饭豆,蒸煮豆饭;
- We ate country dishes to go with husked sorghum. 我们就着高粱米吃着农家菜。
- The ground was plowed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- For example, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta are developing corn with reduced water needs. 例如,孟山都、杜邦和先正达都正在开发用水更少的棉花品种。
- The measuring process of malathion content in corn with gas chromatography is analyzed. 尝试使用气相色谱法对粮食中马拉硫磷农药残留进行了测定。
- Blend fresh sweet corn with 1/4 cup of water until smooth; slowly stir in hot water followed by miso. Serve warm. 将新鲜的玉米粒和水一起在搅拌机里搅碎成细滑糊状;徐徐到入热水,最后拌入味噌便能上桌。
- Scorpion ditch not only has a "thin strip of sky," Zhuang King, and "Longtan Serenade," "grinding ear Cliff", "locks Cliff" Three King's most impressive, clap wow. 蝎子沟不仅具有“一线天”的壮景,而且“龙潭映月”、“磨耳崖”、“铁锁崖”三景最令人叹为观止,拍手叫绝。
- The round, hard-shelled nuts of the macadamia tree grow in clusters and are covered with husks what split when the nuts are ripe. 澳洲坚果树上的圆形、有坚硬外壳的坚果成堆生长,并且被外壳所包裹,这些外壳在坚果成熟时会裂开。
- With husks having no damage type penalty, Sniper Teams with their range and stealth are a great option for making sure husks don't fall into opposing hands. 由于外壳没有对伤害类型得判定,狙击手小队凭借它们得射程和隐形能力是确保机甲外壳不落入敌人手里得绝佳选择。