- grotto art database 石窟艺术库
- Grotto art and Buddhism is very close. 石窟艺术与佛教是十分密切的。
- Grotto art is for the people at that time Xinfo services. 石窟艺术是为当时信佛的人们服务的。
- Theravada Buddhism style left its traces in the grotto art in China is rare. 其造型留有小乘佛教的痕迹,在我国石窟艺术中实属罕见。
- The grotto art also thrived with the introduction of Buddhism from India in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 石窟艺术也是南北朝随佛教东传而兴起的,
- The grotto art on Xumi Mountain and Shikong Mountain are remains of an ancient civilization. 宁夏的须弥山石窟和石空山石窟,便是古代文明的留存。
- Dunhuang grotto art regeneration is the new production of art-form and art-school and proliferation of classical art in the new era. 摘要敦煌艺术再生既是新的艺术品种和艺术流派的产生,又是经典艺术在新的时代背景下的价值增值。
- In 2007 the work through the country appraised the committee authenticates, the work enters the Chinese art database. 2007年作品通过国家评估委员会认证,作品进入中国艺术数据库。
- Thus, from the phylosophic point of view, this paper proposes the discourse system of studing Dunhuang grotto art. 用艺术哲学的视角,为敦煌艺术史研究构造了一个假定的话语系统。
- The regeneration of Dunhuang grotto art has not only created a new art, but more importantly created a new culture. 再生的敦煌艺术不仅创造了新的艺术,而且更主要的在于创造了新的文化。
- Grotto art visually shows the godship with humanization and the course of humanization, which gradually changed to be godship. 石窟艺术形象展示了人性化的“神性”,以及逐渐转化为神性的“人性化”过程。
- Secondly, grotto art is the reappearance of inosculation of real living scene in the religious area and different times of China. 其次,石窟艺术又是佛教境地与中国不同时代真实生活情景融合的再现。
- In research for grotto art we deeply felt that the grotto art is more humanized it is accepted by people much more and also believed by more people. 在石窟艺术研究中我们深深地感受到越是人性化的石窟艺术,越被人们所接受,也越会获得更多人的信仰。
- The rock of these cliffs is particularly hard, making itideal for carving, and leading to the production of some of thefinest Buddhist grotto art. 石壁上的石头尤为坚硬,使得它十分适合雕刻,并造就了一些至精的佛雕艺术品。
- But after the "unprecedented" Shinianhaojie, in a remote place of Maijishan grotto art, was able to survive, it is most unfortunate in the blessing. 可是经过“史无前例”的十年浩劫,处于偏僻之地的麦积山石窟艺术,居然能保存下来,真是不幸中的万幸。
- The mechanism of gaining the furit of Dunhuang grotto art regeneration is based on the exploring and refining of the national art's tension, and the operating of market as well. 敦煌艺术的再生机制在于全球化背景下的民族艺术张力和人为的发掘提炼,以及市场运作。
- Late Kushi small but pretty thin characters, the proportion of moderate, northern China is an example of the grotto art and the "thin bone-ching as" the origin. 晚期窟室规模虽小,但人物形象清瘦俊美,比例适中,是中国北方石窟艺术的榜样和“瘦骨清像”的源起。
- The grotto art of Buddhism, originated from India and spread eastward through ancient Silk Road of China, has been selected and improved by Chinese native culture. 起源于印度的佛教石窟艺术,经由我国古代的丝绸之路渐次东传,并积极地接受了中国本土文化对它的选择与改造。
- Northern Zhou Ming Di Yu Wu Yuwen in 1989 (AD 559) in early Yuchi Jiong Qin Zhouci Shi Jian, the temple save a lot of Northern Zhou Yuan Dynasty to the grotto art works. 北周明帝宇文毓武成元年(公元559年)秦州刺史尉迟迥初建,寺内保存了大量北周至元代的石窟艺术作品。
- His publications, among them annotations to Dunhuang poems, show his unique insight for the grotto arts. 冯国瑞的学术成就是多方面的,而于甘肃石窟寺倾注的心血最多,成就也最大。