- Consequently, a geological survey of the ground rock structure must be carried out. 因此对底下岩层结构必须进行地质探测。
- The new grinding machine passed all tests. 这台新磨床通过了所有的试验。
- The rock was honeycombed with passages. 岩石上有许多蜂窝状的小孔。
- I need a holiday as a relief from the daily grind. 我需要休假以摆脱单调的日常工作。
- Many young rock hounds grow up to be geologists. 许许多多爱好收集岩石的少年,长大后成了地质学家。
- He is assigned a room on the grind floor. 他分配到底层一间房子。
- The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face. 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。
- They are grinding wheat into flour. 他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。
- It won't grind down any finer than this. 不能磨得比这个再细了。
- The water had worn a channel in the rock. 水把岩石冲出了一条沟。
- He loses his balance and fall to the grind. 他失去平衡,摔倒在地。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- God's mill grind slow, but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- We grind up the wheat to make flour. 我们把小麦磨成面粉。
- The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- He chiseled that rock into the figure of a woman. 他把那块石头凿成一个女人像。
- The boat was sundered by the rock. 船被岩石撞碎了。
- Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽。