- Grid security research is a hotspot in grid computing. 对网格安全问题的研究是网格计算中的一个热点问题。
- GSI of the Globus Project proposes a grid security infrastructure based on X. Globus网格项目中的GSI(GridSecurityInfrastructure)主要基于X.
- Grid Computing Can Allow Security Threats by Ryan Naraine is another informative grid security article. 是另外一篇信息非常丰富的网格安全文章。
- Existing Grid security certificate models include: centralized CA (Certificate Authority)model, multi-CA model and crossed certificate model. 现有的网格安全认证模型有集中式层次认证模型、多CA结构的模型和混合交叉认证模型。
- Through the analysis of grid security authenticating, the paper designed security certificate management system basing on Globus. 通过对网格安全认证的工作机制的分析,设计了基于Globus网格的安全证书管理系统。
- "China power grid security and ability to supply rising in recent years, with a total installed capacity has exceeded 700,000,000 kilowatt. “中国电网安全水平和供电能力近年来不断提高,总装机容量已突破7亿千瓦。
- At the seme time, it study cuurent grid security scheme such as GSI (Globus Security Infrastructure) and points out its some shortage. 同时还对现有网格安全机制GSI(Globus Security Infrastructure)进行了研究,指出了它的一些不足之处。
- This thesis also describes design and implementation of a prototype system named Dart-DGSI, which conforms to the Database Grid Security Infrastructure (DGSI) protocols. 本文还介绍了Dart-DGSI在中医药研究中的一个应用场景。
- Liao Zhensong, born in 1979. Ph. D. Candidate in computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.His current research interests include grid security, analysis of grid system, etc. 廖振松,1979年生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为网格安全、网格系统分析等。
- At last,an application instance of P2P distributed computing with grid security certification and access control policy were designed and implemented by combining with the research project of grid security. 结合网格安全项目的研究,设计并实现了利用网格安全认证、访问控制策略进行P2P分布式计算的应用实例。
- In this paper we will regard all security requirements as service form.A service-oriented architecture of the grid security is designed.Using authentication services on grid for example,we explo... 本文将网格所涉及的安全需求做成服务的形式,设计了一个面向服务的网格安全体系结构,并以网格认证服务为实例,探讨了网格安全服务的设计与重用,它集成了多种常用的认证技术,实现网格安全服务的跨域互操作。
- Proxy Certificates(PCs) is one of key mechanisms in Grid Security Infrastructure(GSI).Users need PCs to access grid services.Butthere is no effective mechanism to manage the PCs in GSI. 代理证书是网格安全基础设施(GSI)中关键机制之一,用户需要通过代理证书访问网格服务,但目前的GSI方案中缺乏有效的代理证书管理机制。
- Second, it discusses the public key infrastructure (PKI) and its corresponding techniques, and has PKI as the solutions for the basic grid secure problems. 其次讨论了公钥基础设施(PKI)及相关技术,并以此作为基本安全问题的解决方案。
- Global Grid Security System Based on PKI and LDAP 基于PKI和LDAP的全球网格安全系统
- Global grid security architecture 全球栅格安全体系结构
- GSI ( Grid Security Infrastructure) 网格安全基础设施
- Grid Security Infrastructure(GSI) 网格安全基础设施
- I'll undertake for your security. 我将保证你的安全。
- In the old society we never knew real security. 在旧社会我们的生活从来没有真正的保障。
- He get weekly social security payment. 他按周领取社会保险金。