- Grid computing: What are the key components? 网格计算:关键组件是什么?
- How will grid computing affect e-businesses? 网格计算对电子商务有哪些影响?
- But how do we apply standards in grid computing? 但是,如何把标准应用到网格计算中呢?
- By all accounts, grid computing is growing up. 随着众多帐号的采用,网格计算不断发展。
- Grid computing and prospect in petroleum E &P. 网格计算技术及其在石油勘探开发中的应用前景
- Grid computing is a key information technology. 网格(Grid)是近年来国际上兴起的一种重要信息技术,研究热点。
- Grid computing gives us better use of a pool of servers. 网格计算让我们可以更好地利用服务器池。
- Security is an important consideration in Grid computing. 安全性是网格计算中的重要问题。
- This is one of the challenges facing grid computing. 这就是网格计算面临的挑战之一。
- But the benefits of grid computing are not all about money. 但是网格计算的好处不都是与钱有关。
- Grid security research is a hotspot in grid computing. 对网格安全问题的研究是网格计算中的一个热点问题。
- His interests include grid computing, neural nets, and artificial intelligence. 他的兴趣包括网格计算、神经网络和人工智能。
- Grid computing helps eliminate the application silos that plague enterprises. 网格计算帮助消除令企业苦恼的应用程序问题。
- Grid computing, through optimized use of existing compute resources and centralized systems management capabilities, drives TCO down. 通过优化地使用现有的计算资源和集中的系统管理能力,网格计算可以降低TCO。
- Provides information about current and future grid computing activities. 提供了当前和未来网格计算方面的信息。
- As a distributed computing paradigm, grid computing has benefited from this. 与分布式计算范型类似,网格计算也可以从中受益。
- The Grid Computing discipline involves the actual networking services. 内容:网格计算。
- Automation and grid computing consume lots of mindshare in the IT marketplace. 自动化和网格计算是IT市场中消耗资源的两个重要大户。
- Technology of GCD is the combination of grid computing and declassification. 网格密码破解技术 (GCD)是网格计算理论和密码暴力破解需求的结合。
- Development of plug-in seismic grid computing application based on UNICORE. 基于UNICORE的地震网格计算应用插件