- grey spun rayon cloth 人棉坯布
- grey spun rayon fabric double weft 人棉双纬坯布
- grey spun rayon muslin 人棉平纹细布坯
- grey spun rayon serge 人棉哔叽坯
- grey spun rayon fabric 人造棉织物
- grey spun rayon haircord 人棉麻纱坯
- grey spun rayon piece goods 原色人造棉布
- grey spun rayon poplin 人棉府绸坯
- grey spun rayon twill 人棉斜纹坯
- dyed spun rayon cloth 染色人棉细纺
- worsted-type spun rayon cloth 毛型粘纤织物
- spun rayon cloth 人造棉布
- grey polyester spun rayon blended cloth 涤人棉混纺坯布
- A firm woven fabric or worsted cotton or spun rayon with a twill weave. 结实紧密的精纺棉毛织品或人造丝斜纹布。
- yarn-dyed spun rayon upholstery cloth 色织人棉家具布
- spun rayon machine printed cloth 人丝机印布
- spun rayon yarndyed and printed cloth 人丝印花布
- yarn-dyed spun rayon checked cloth 色织人棉格子布
- yarn dyed spun rayon furnishing cloth 人棉色织家俱布
- yarn dyed spun rayon {mei ko} cloth 人棉美格呢