- Green Island Cement Company Limited. 青洲英泥有限公司。
- Green Island Medical Care Products Co., Ltd. 绿岛医疗保健品有限公司。
- Botel Hotel is situated on a wonderful green island in Budapest. 这家亲切的廉价酒店坐落在一个绿色的环境之中,位于城市的北部。
- There has not been any definite statutory land use zoning for Green Island. 当局并未为青洲制定任何法定的土地用途分区计划。
- These included the Green Island Reclamation, Tonggu Waterway, and Siu Lam Typhoon Shelter. 这些工程包括青洲填海、铜鼓水道及小榄避风塘。
- These included the Green Island Reclamation,Tonggu Waterway,and Siu Lam Typhoon Shelter. 这些工程包括青洲填海、铜鼓水道及小榄避风塘。
- The CSD manages two centres, Green Island Reception Centre and High Island Detention Centre, for the detention of VMs and VIIs. 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,分别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。
- Green Island - The light was solarized to increase the reliability of the beacon in October. 青洲-該燈於10月期間換上全新太陽能系統,用以提高航標的可靠性。
- The CSD manages two centres,Green Island Reception Centre and High Island Detention Centre,for the detention of VMs and VIIs. 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,分别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。
- Green Island and the sea around it have been proposed by the Hong Kong SAR Government to be reclaimed for development land. 香港特区政府建议把青洲及邻近海域填平作发展用途。
- Green Island is a small outlying island located off the northwestern side of Hong Kong Island and is densely covered with woodland and tall scrub. 青洲是一个位于香港岛西北方的离岛,岛上布满林地及高灌木丛。
- Currently, wind information from Green Island is broadcast via radio during weekends and on public holidays for use by water sports enthusiasts. 现时每逢周末及公众假期,电台会定时发布青洲的风向及风速资料,供水上活动人士参考。
- Green Island (Lighted Buoy) - The light was reported unlit and subsequently found part of the equipment sheared off and lost in October. 青洲(燈浮標)-此燈於10月期間熄滅,其後在現場發現此燈浮標的部分設備被切斷兼失去。
- Two hours later he came up, just as the ship was leaving Elba behind.They were just coming up to the green island of Pianosa. 两小时后,他起来了,此时船正离开厄尔巴岛,立即又驶近了一片翠绿的比亚诺萨岛。
- The English Winter Camp which is jointly held by Netherland Green Island Cultural Exchange Cooperation and IEES started from December 26. 12月26日,由荷兰绿岛文化交流公司和国交学院联合举办的英语冬令营开幕。
- Gusts in many places reached 100 km/h, with Tate's Cairn and Green Island recording 158 km/h (85 knots) and 152 km/h (82 knots) respectively. 很多地区亦录到高逾每小时100公里的阵风,例如大老山和青则分别录得阵风达每小时158及152公里(85和82节)。
- The latest typhoon caused power outage on the Green Island and trapped over10 tourists in Olai( Wulai), but no injuries or casulties have been reported. 这摆启德风颱来乎绿岛停电,伫乌来嘛有十几位游客受困,毋恪好佳在目前拢无郎伤亡。
- Mr. Edwin Ginn, Senior Scientific Officer of the Hong Kong Observatory, introduced to the media the application of renewable energy at the Green Island Automatic Weather Station. 天文台高级科学主任甄荣磊先生在青洲自动气象站向传媒介绍该站应用再生能源的情况。
- Green Island is located near the urban area, less than 500 metres from Kennedy Town. Being separated by the Sulphur Channel, the island is unaffected by urbanisation. 青洲位处市区附近,距离坚尼地城少于500米,却因硫磺海峡的分隔,令这个小岛不受城市化的影响。
- The latest typhoon caused power outage on the Green Island and trapped over 10 tourists in Olai (Wulai), but no injuries or casulties have been reported. 这摆启德风?来乎绿岛停电,伫乌来嘛有十几位游客受困,毋恪好佳在目前拢无郎伤亡。