- Green Product Design and Sustainable Development. 绿色产品设计与可持续发展。
- The green production will be the future of the rag trade. 绿色产品必将成为服装产业未来发展的方向。
- Green products plan is but the start of durative production mode. 绿色产品设计是可持续性生产模式的起点。
- Have you ever purchased green products? 你是否有买过绿色产品?
- Take a look at our green products such as scooter and golf car. 请看一下我们的绿色产品如电动单脚滑行车和高尔夫球车。
- With the extreme low free formaldehyde adhesive, it is harmless to health and is a green product. 采用极低游离甲醛胶合剂,对人体无害是最具环保色彩的绿色产品。
- Thus, it can not only utilize hydrocyanic acid effectively, but also accelerate realizing green production in China's glyphosate industry. 这样不仅可以有效利用氢氰酸资源,还可以促进我国草甘膦行业实现清洁生产。
- Product life cycle engineering design (LCED) is an efficient method of green product design. 摘要产品寿命周期工程设计是绿色产品设计的有效方法。
- For its properties of safety, energy-saving, sanity, non-pollution, convenient, it becomes a fashion product in modern urban life and a green product. 特点是安全、节能、卫生、无污染、方便,是现代都市生活的时尚产品,是环保的绿色产品。
- The photocuring coating is a kind of functional curing coating which is called as an environmental-friendly green product. 光固化涂料是1种新型的绿色环保节能型涂料,近几年发展很快。
- It's an unpolluted social green production grown in dry land pool and irrigated by well-water, this guarantee its excellent quality and delicious taste. 利用深井水在旱地上建池栽种的无污染,无公害绿色食品。该产品质地细腻,浑白如玉,鲜嫩美观,味清脆香甜,脆甜胜梨。
- The developing and applying of green product and technology is key technology that realizes development strategy of the mankind. 绿色产品及技术的开发应用是实现人类的可持续发展战略关键技术。
- It's hard to cut cost for Green products, green utensil plants close down. 产品环保成本难降 环保餐具厂黯然关门
- By proceeding form product life pan,the paper described target of green product appraising,system construction of green manufacturing and green integrated manufacturing system. 本文从产品寿命循环周期出发,论述了绿色产品的评价指标,绿色制造的体系结构以及绿色集成制造系统。
- We created a gift idea packing for your convenience to use such a healthy green product for a gift to your love ones including your family and most of all yourself. 我们设计这种礼品包装的方式;是为了方便您将如此一款健康的绿色产品作为一个礼物送给你爱的人;包括您的家人及你自己.
- To cultivate green concept, promote green standard, practice green developing, produce green product, launch green operation is the efficient way of achieving green tourism. 培育绿色观念,推行绿色标准,实行绿色开发,生产绿色产品,开展绿色经营,是实现绿色旅游的有效形式。
- The appraisement of "the green level" for a green product is a problem that has to deal with multi-level judgement of multi-aspect and multi-stratification. 摘要绿色产品的“绿色程度”的评价是涉及多个方面和层次的多级评价问题。
- The man-made composite board is not only a green product , but also boasts many advantages such as high density,moth proof,waterproof,fireproofing,strong clenching. 它不仅是环保产品,且密度高,具有防虫害,防水耐燃,握钉力强等优点。
- But many believe that green products are of lower quality than their more traditional “browner” counterparts. 但是很多人认为绿色产品的质量会略低于对应的传统型产品。
- Thus, it is necessary to deal with chemical fertilizer and green products, dialectically and scientifically. 为此,应予以澄清,科学认识,正确看待农业生产中的化肥与绿色产品。