- green house requirement 温室要求
- The owenr of the Green house drinks coffee. 拥有绿色房子的人喝咖啡.
- Behind the green house is a greenhouse. 在那所绿房子后面有一个暖房。
- Behind the green house was a greenhouse. 在那所绿房子后面是一个花房。
- The Green house is next to, and on the left of the White house. 绿色的房子和白色的相连;在白色房子的左边.
- Where is the green house?<=>Where is the greenhouse? 绿色的房子在哪儿?温室在哪儿?
- They go to pick vegetables in the green house early in the morning. 他们一大清早,就去大棚里摘菜。
- To move house requires forward planning. 要搬家得先做好计画.
- When are you going to clear all that rubbish out of the green house? 你们准备什么时候把所有的垃圾从温室中清理出去?
- The "green house effect" is now threatening the existence of mankind. “温室效应”正威胁着人类的存在。
- The ability to move air through plant canopies is related directly to the tightness of the green house. 空气通过植物冠层移动的能力直接与温室的密闭程度有关。
- The opening dates of the Royal Green Houses in Brussels. 开幕日期御绿房子在布鲁塞尔举行。
- Green house operators have considerable opportunity for precise manipulation of nutrients. 温室管理员有很多机会来准确控制养分。
- The company has the green house which can satisfy the cultivation of various kinds of seedlings. 公司拥有自己的温室大棚,可满足自己种植的各种种苗。
- The majority of individual green house operations can be considered as small businesses. 可以认为,大多数个体温室都是小型企业。
- Human beings must keep an eye open on the changing climate resulting from the Green House Effect. 人类必须注意由温室效应导致的地球气温升高的情况。
- The graceful bearing of the big-sized green house fluctuates in the rank of the world's beauties. 大温室的风姿绰约在世界美人榜中倘佯。
- Contamination with viruses occurs in experimental green houses and in the open. 在实验温室和室外都能发生病毒的污染。
- The sources and sinks of present main green house gases, which are CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 are explicated. 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室北京100029;
- Wegman credits celebrities for helping raise awareness on green housing ideas. 维根曼赞扬帮助提倡绿建筑的名人。